
Fun Science Trivia: The mass of a black hole is such that not even light can escape. However, if you were to pass the event horizon, you'd be traveling so fast that the photons trapped in there with you would act in the reverse of how they normally do. In theory, you could look straight ahead and see the back of your

Can we petition for Rupert Grint to play a young Mick Jagger?

I've done this in the past while I wrote. Just put a track from Skyrim or Mass Effect 3 on and loop it endlessly.

I would be remiss to not post this comic every time Howard the Duck is mentioned.

I'mma say this politely: Tim Burton needs to stay far, far away from Doctor Who. Your opinion, though personally valid to you, is the wrong one.


Someone high up at Sony is a time traveler, desperately trying to up-end the studio. Seriously, the last several Spider-Man films, that Ryan Reynolds ripoff of Men in Black, and now this... it's as if the studio collapsing in on itself due to shitty choices is going to prevent judgement day or something.

I am such an eternal sucker for evil British villains in cool jumpsuits.

I never watched even a second of August Underground. Pedophilia and necrophilia aren't my freaking bag.

Scene: Warner Bros. President's office.

From the point they announced they were doing a Civil War movie, you should just assume EVERYTHING is foreshadowing. Shit, considering how much foreshadowing they've already devoted to Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet...

That is a damn sharp eye you have!

It's Tony Stark. He goes through a minimum of two sets of armor a film.


I'm down to the last four pages of Science Team Tau issue 1! I took a two month break to move and look for work, but lately I've been burning the midnight oil trying to finish the story.

That's too bad. I bet the poor animator who brought Doctor Manhatten's a-bomb to the screen was really looking forward to scoring a paycheck.