
She didn't ask what the stuff being injected into her was in the first place, so all the education about silicone or plastic surgery in the world wouldn't have helped her.

Both your username and that animated gif are victims of shitty plastic surgery. I'm not sure I can handle irony of this magnitude.

Oh, I guess I missed that public schools anywhere else in the world offered courses in plastic surgery as part of their curriculum.

Apparently, it's cool to have your friends all line up on their knees in front of you, and then you chug a beer, and then you vomit into their mouths.

I bought this game and played the ever-loving hell out of it. Twice.


Okay, so even though I personally think the Notebook is a boring movie, what is wrong with you? You're like the most aggressive anti-romance movie person I've ever seen. If you hate romance movies so much, why the hell do you watch them? This is ridiculous.

I can only hope that Uwe Boll is even now lobbying to make a GTA movie starring Lindsay Lohan in some small capacity that involves her gratuitously violent death onscreen.

You'd think they'd both be drinking the same thing.

I'm not sure what wavelength you're on. You and I are complaining about the exact same thing.

I don't even know how to respond to this level of idiocy, ignorance, and intolerance.

Look, someone who has no idea what they're talking about pointing at people and calling them privileged for daring to feed their children.

I don't play games these days because I'm still working two consoles ago, so I had no idea that Austin Wintory was a video game composer! He's one of my favorites, since I discovered his work through his contribution to NASA and the Spitzer Space Telescope podcast!

I've seen worse.

Shouldn't the Pokemon names be Mustang and Peugeot?

If Soleth Prime had that thin of an atmosphere, it could never support plant life like the kind that was growing on it.

This is the best Star Wars game I've ever seen.

...But how are we supposed to know she's a strong female character if she's not showing off her cleavage?

This would have been useful for that time I made a fake Gawker page stating that Monster energy drinks were shown to contain unhealthy amounts of whale semen.

That's how bad Disney animation is today. The facial features of all of their girls are freakishly alien, while their male characters are more realistic.