
Mind. Blown.

I gave up on the girls' section of clothing stores about a week after having a girl. Just stop with the princessification (princessifiKation?) of everything, world.

First of all, congratulations! Second, as the parent of a toddler, I have some bad news for you: this is not a problem you'll have to worry about (much) for the first year and a half. ;)

How very "Downton Abbey"...and not in a good way! Rock on with your cool house and its interesting history, and screw the out-of-town dude.

Right, but not to nitpick—private jets (unless we're talking private 737/747s) fly at a lower altitude, anyway...

Yeah, I use their taxi-hail (UberT) all the time, now. You can still pay in cash or with another card, and I much prefer waiting indoors for 5 minutes and obsessively following the approach of the taxi to trying to hail a cab while standing in/avoiding ice. ;)

Uber drivers have GPS; their whereabouts are being broadcast, and (maybe it's too much of an assumption) cars and drivers can be tracked down in pretty short order. I feel much safer taking them than taxis in NYC, for a variety of reasons.

Hang in there! You're almost to the last stage of culture shock (acceptance). It sounds like you have a great support system there. Does hanging out with people, and/or Skypeing/Facetiming friends and family back home help? But yeah, I wouldn't discount the winter blues; I'm also surviving (barely) until spring. For

That absolutely sucks. Bad friend! Hopefully she has at least a tiny smidgen of self-awareness so that if you don't call her for weeks, she might understand why. (Not that I think you have to call her!)

As another creative, seems like a smart, honorable move to me. Plus, it pays the bills! And you won't be there forever, right? Good luck. :)

The fact that it's free swag isn't the issue. Do you think these freebies appear at mainstream coding conferences? If you wouldn't offer it to dudes attending the same kind of conference, don't offer it to women...

If by "language barrier," we mean "lobotomy," then ok.

Ceci n'est pas un zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Yeah, I've been using Facebook since 2007, uploaded tons of food and Euro-y photos over those years, and then happened to have a baby in 2012. What does Facebook slow-pan over for three minutes? The baby photos. >:( It's like Facebook thinks my life didn't begin before I gave birth, and that's some kind of shitty

Is that areola you'll be having? No titscotti?

Very, very adorable. Way more adorable than my tot watching snow fall from our apartment and yelling, "FTEEE! FTEEE!" (I have no idea.)

If it's any help at all, Mr. S. and I somehow wound up attending a black-tie event on an annual basis for the last few years, and there are always, always, always women rocking cocktail dresses and tea-length dresses. Yes, technically, it's not black tie, but they look great and no one bats an eyelash. (For purposes

But a lot of performers rip out the IEM for the drama it seems to create, right, even if there's no sound problem? People at home/in row ZZZ go, OH MY GOD THIS IS SO AUTHENTIC!

I would take it one step at a time. Have you been offered representation yet? You're entitled to freak out, when you do. ;) Then your agent will instruct you as to how to freak out when he/she gets you a deal. There are a ton of steps involved. Doesn't hurt to buy bubbly and keep it cold, but be aware that it's a long

We have a metal Ikea bed frame, and it was great for the first year, but now, at five years out, the thing squeaks like hell when you so much as exhale. HATE IT. Nothing says mood-killer, right as you're panting into your beloved's ear, like the gnashing shriek of metal on metal.