
I don’t know if it was the same storm, but whatever rolled into NYC at around 4:30 this morning was also crazy—lightning all over, and a downpour that made it impossible to see buildings across the street.

Angela Merkel, is that you?

I'm so sorry. :( Loss of a living being, and part of your family, is loss—whether they walk on two feet, or on four. It's not silly at all to miss them.

Oh, my God! Those Vera scarves! That is an amazing collection (and not just of the scarves)! I'm using up my week's allotment of exclamation points on this post, because DAMN!! That is a FABULOUS shop!

The 7AM Enfant blankets come in S, M, and L—we had a Medium for last winter (when my kid was a year old), and got another used one (thank you, eBay) for this winter in L. In theory, you're supposed to be able to use the L 'til the child is 3, but I think we're pushing the limit with a tall almost-two-year-old. But the

Useful: Halo SwaddleMe sleep sacks (for 6/8 months and under), so Baby feels snuggly and actually sleeps for more than 30 minutes at a stretch at night; Aden and Anais muslin sleep sacks (for whenever the tot outgrows the Halo ones), so that Baby sleeps at night and doesn't climb out of the crib/get a leg stuck in the

This. This kind of video drives me nuts—"Watch Some Dudes Eat Korean Food for the First Time!" So, unless you live under a rock, you've probably eaten Korean food (and perhaps heard that childbirth is messy), and unless you lack an atom of sophistication, you probably have the decency to avoid screeching, "GROSS!!" in

Having a kid has made me more low-maintenance, too! Whereas I used to put on both pant legs, I now manage just one.

I took a few, in grad school, and recall the withdrawal symptoms being worse than the side effects, but just started escitalopram, and even 5 mg/day (thanks, super-cautious psychiatrist) gave me day-long nausea. I tried it for a week*, and then decided that the couple of beers/glasses of wine I've been using to

It took under 6 months to lose the pregnancy weight for me, but then I promptly put it back on, the winter my kid turned 1 year old—via the life-sustaining calories that are beer and barbecue chips. ;)

My brother met his wife (they were married last week) online four years ago, and they seem ridiculously happy. And he hyphenated his last name to add hers. That blew me away. I mean, my brother! The bro-iest of bros! (Really.) So there's hope. ;)

Ok, but why piss off people who are raising $7-$9M by attending the event? Not trying to be combative, just skeptical of the assumed timeline of things. :)

Doesn't make sense. Dress code is stipulated on the invite. $25K/person dinner. Invites out months ahead. I think it's just now getting out to the press. It doesn't mean that AW woke up last week and sat down to her breakfast mimosa with the white-tails fiat.

Right, but anyone with an invitation has likely known about the dress code (change) for months, and has had time to prepare.

I have friends who've used AirBnB here before, and loved it, but (and not to sound all crankypants alarmist) keep in mind that the NY Attorney General and AirBnB are fighting in court over the legality of short-term rentals in the city:…

I have those—I go through a pair every summer. I figure it's the city equivalent of getting new tires. (I had a pair re-soled once, and added a new footbed, and it was more expensive than buying a new pair.)

Are you in New York? If so, let's put our tots in the sandbox and commiserate. If not, well, I lift my spoon of gelato to you in solidarity. :)

I pretty much live for the weekends, when I can (lovingly) shove ours at my husband and say, See you in a few hours! Not that I don't adore my kid, but it was a long, brutal winter in a small apartment.

God, I only have one and I feel the same way. Also, we're out of ice cream. ;)

I live here and wear Vans, but they're killing me because of their total lack of arch support. Someone recommended these to me:… (A teacher, so you know they have support.)