
Seriously. We don't have a single shot of me in the hospital with Small S., because every blood vessel in my face was blown, and I looked like Pippi Longstocking on meth. She looks amazing. Next time, I'm spackling on foundation.

I'm not sure about renting server space, but I run my website-not-really-a-website from a domain name I purchased from; the site is essentially a Wordpress blog (or maybe blog-like layout is the better term) with the url mapped to my domain name. Does that make sense? It was a lot easier to do it, this

Be professional, and carry on. Don't let it get to you. If their main response to your tastes is to characterize them as "weird," then they're a) uncultured, b) rude, and c) not worth expending much emotional energy on. :)

I look forward to Kanye's audiobook of Go the Fuck to Sleep.

Race and class privilege exist at any school. I'd avoid prejudging your students before they turn up in your classroom. How receptive the institution/department is to your work, though, and/or what their politics are like, should be relatively easy to ferret out ahead of time—and why even interview at a place that's

I read something exactly on this question this week, but nothing is coming up in my history, so I'd hit up Jolie Kerr on Twitter and ask her—she writes "Ask a Clean Person" for Jez and Deadspin. Also, she is a cleaning genius. A cleanius, if you will.

1. Ignore him.

Cheese snob. Bread snob. Coffee snob (self-hating coffee snob, because I have instant hidden in the freezer, for emergencies). Grammar snob. Spelling snob. Musical-comedy snob. Sonnet snob.

When I married Mr. S., he was still an academic, and he (and thus we) was headed to Israel for a postdoc. I'd finished my M.A. and had a (small) job I could take with me, online (since Israel doesn't allow spouses of visitors on academic visas to work legally in the country). Two years later, we moved to Prague; two

Tim Gunn looks properly horrified, as though thinking, "Must..."

Ah, it makes slightly more sense now. I did not know, having developed a personal spam filter in my brain for all things John Mayer-related. Thank you. ;)

"...who is my face to call home."

Things I made this long weekend: cranberry-orange cinnamon rolls, roasted beet salad with goat cheese, risotto with beet greens (it was a giant bunch o' beets), spaghetti carbonara in 20 minutes (a personal record; it involved broiling strips of ham in the oven, which I'm not proud of, but I did it in the remaining

Kanye has no couth.

What due diligence was there to be done? It doesn't take a legal scholar to realize that it advocated violence toward women. Kickstarter said, "If we'd seen it, we would have stopped it." Well? Don't they have anyone reviewing projects?

Whose name is on the lease? If it's both of you, yeah, you're going to have to stick it out. If it's just you, get him out.

Personally, I'd just blame it on the economy and change the subject. Or give 'em the website.

You're going through culture shock. It's ok! Give yourself permission to feel down—but also find a professional mentor in the local culture (maybe outside the family—a friend of a friend/relative, maybe?) who can give you a leg up on the job search. Are there meetup groups? Schools you could visit? Six months is a

For me and Mr. S.: parmesan pork cutlets, potato salad, and salad.