
That is awesome, and your expression in this photo is beyond fabulous. :) Hope your husband is doing well. Thanks to you both!

Suri's hand! "Benedicite, bitches."

All I hear when I look at this is, "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!"

If you can think of nothing better to do with your Uggs than monogram them, may I suggest quietly setting them on fire. And then turning in your fashion card.

I guess coverage of her didn't seem to be quite so wall-to-wall, then, and/or I wasn't really paying attention to the Khronicles of Kim.

Prior to this morning, I thought it impossible to pity a Kardashian. I was wrong.

Now playing

Re: Anne Hathaway/Stowaway: "Well, thanks for saving my life. I'll get out now."

The former would be nice; the latter is the reality.

I saw someone in one of these at a black-tie thing last month, and it looked great. Very simple, elegant, and you can dress it up or down (well, depending on the length, I guess). There is a version that creates short sleeves, so it's bra-friendly: Anyway, I'm curvy, and I want one,

Good for you, and I'd Yelp the shit out of that so that no woman in that town is ever subjected to his crap again. :(

Congratulations! If I had to pick a new lifestyle, yoga teaching would definitely be it, despite my inability to do Downward Dog without thwacking myself in the face with my boobs. :) Enjoy! I think it's normal to psych yourself out a little bit with each new career move (or new career). Recognizing it helps, and then

Czechs in Edinburgh, or Scots in Prague—either way, :)

Thank you! I like how there are only three steps: mix, bake, eat. :)

What? Where is the recipe for these? I need them in my life. Thanks. :)

The short answer is: just ignore them. The practical answer is: enter the restaurant/fast-food joint with your earbuds in (even if you're not listening to anything) and don't remove them until you have to place your order. Or, from the moment you enter 'til the moment you leave, attack your smartphone like the

Hey, Angie, St. Francis of Assisi called, and he wants his badminton outfit back.

I'm sorry, but your first sentence broke my brain.

Can you work your network a little? Ask friends/friends of friends for leads? If you know anyone with their kids in private/parochial schools, see if you can offer a silent-auction item as one way of getting in the door. Word of mouth from that can be terrific.

I thought I was going to do a PhD since I was twelve. Then I did a year of my M.A. and hated everything but the coursework. I took two years off to teach high school, then finished the M.A. and didn't look back. I really hated all the political crap, and the level of socializing that seemed to be the norm (for poets!