
Possibly the best comment I've ever read here.

I broke up with my best friend from high school (after we'd stayed close friends through college and grad school) when he went off the FoxNews deep end, four years ago—he and his family were/are evangelical Christians, and they didn't take too kindly to the Obama win...whereas me and my family were/are lapsed/lazy

We started using one of those last week, when our kid started breaking free of the blanket swaddle with her arms, but the Velcro on those wakes her up every time. The Aden & Anais swaddling blankets were fantastic for the first six weeks, though. (And then I read that infants shouldn't be swaddled w/ legs straight

The ones from Hue wear really well. I usually get mine at Macy's, and/or via Googling for sales online.

Buy "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child." Screw everything else (except diapers and muslin swaddling blankets). You can thank me later.

Mr. S. started talking about curved space (his area of specialty—theoretical math), and I was a goner. It was a couple weeks after I'd met him.

I'd just block her. That way, you get to enjoy pics of your nephew and write whatever you like without having to digest any of her crap. Bonus: it will mess with her!

I took a childbirth class with Mr. S., and once I was in the labor and delivery room, it became a fond and rather useless memory. I wanted drugs, but the labor moved so quickly that I shot past the window of opportunity and there was no time to administer them. I survived, although my plan had been to get an epidural

This is all great. "Intense" is pretty much how I'd describe it.

OCD can start like this, but it sounds like you're not letting it interfere with your day-to-day life. When the thoughts take over, that's when it's time to go talk to someone. Otherwise, I think it's totally normal to worry about things in the way you describe.

I'd try to ignore it, especially if no one in the previous department (and/or the writer of the email) has any leverage over you anymore.

Try Padmapper—you can customize it so that it will only show within your price range, and it'll show crime reports for the area, etc. However, after living here for five years and going the no-fee, Craigslist route for two apartments, I suspect that the best listings in any price range are locked up tight with

Oh, my God. You don't deserve this—and you can get out! It's your life. You only get one shot at it. Take care of yourself—friends can help with the animals. You have too many talents (and you sound amazing, seriously; who wouldn't want you as a friend?!) to waste, stuck in this relationship. There's always a way out.

I'd just block him on whatever messaging program he's on (if that's possible), and delete them unread. (If it's text messages, ask your phone company if his number can be blocked.) Why give him the satisfaction of knowing he hurt you? You know he's a nasty, fraudulent bastard. Your friends and family know. Deep down,

As the other poster says, go to an ob/gyn. If they're any good, they'll do an ultrasound and find the cyst(s).

She's being totally unreasonable. I probably would've screamed, too. And calling 13 times in a a row is nuts! Oh, well. Have a sufganiyah and revel in not having to spend the evening with her. ;)

They usually have a wide range of sizes in the store—I'm leery of ordering their stuff online without trying it on, because a 14/16 in Old Navy tends to run large.

Brooklyn Bagel Company: 25th St. and 8th Ave. Or Russ and Daughters, Houston and Allen St./1st Ave. 'Nuff said. You're welcome. ;)

A small cup of coffee is fine—I went cold-turkey decaf for a while (am at 39 weeks), and believe me, the pain from not having that daily, reliable system-cleansing small jolt of caffeine in the morning was far more detrimental than passing on a small amount of caffeine to the tot, in my view. Even 1/8 of a cup of

A book.