
So many good lines from Big Business (Lily Tomlin as Rose, Bette Midler as Sadie):


Oh, dear. This is my worst nightmare. But maybe it's just a rash from some super-anti-bedbug detergent they use on the sheets?! Here's hoping. :(

If you really, really want to make something, make and wrap something like cinnamon rolls or quick bread that's clearly meant for the parents to eat the next morning. That way, you don't overlap with rolls/croissants/whatnot. Or, buy the rolls/croissants and wrap them with some fancy jam (clearly for breakfast the

Yes. This. It drives me nuts when people show up with a side dish or dessert that I wasn't expecting. It's thoughtful, yes, but not as thoughtful as just asking and then respecting the host/hostess's plans.

You could run the hotel's address through the Bedbug Registry—

It takes a long time for me to make friends, so I'm no expert, but sometimes it happens through mutual friends. You know, you meet a couple people, eventually go to a party or something, meet other people there, etc. But to be honest—and sorry if this sounds really obvious—if you head for Brooklyn all the time (or

25 represents serious success! Congrats! I'm not great at losing weight, but two things that help are: a) not buying stuff that I crave or will inhale, because I'll just inhale it and feel lousy later; and b) seeing it as a fluid process (as cliched as that may sound), when some days are better than others. Taking it

Nah—the first trimester is the worst.* For what it's worth, even decaf coffee in the morning worked like a charm for me.

Like the others who replied, I think you're a tremendous friend. But it also would help to set some boundaries—in post-university life, you can't really drop everything when you get a text and run to help a friend. There are other demands and other responsibilities (to yourself, for example). callous as it may

My kid-to-be's pediatrician recommended What to Expect the First Year and Caring for Your Baby and Young Child. And I ran across this, which is generally pretty awesome: (The column itself is good, but the comments are full of solid

Possible explanations:

Eight months pregnant, here, and I would wear the shit out of that. But I could also cut a hole in a tablecloth and waddle around in that for roughly 1/116th of the price of a Pajancho. So nojancho.

I realize this may sound cynical, but your sister should be glad they weren't just stolen, which is the far more likely scenario. Good for her for speaking up, though. I usually do, too, but I'm fairly hot-tempered and I have a hard time not going ballistic (which usually doesn't get results) versus calmly and

Haven't worked/been there, but wanted to say: that is INCREDIBLY exciting. Congrats, and have a blast!

I don't think it's wrong/controlling/fucked up to think less of him. You're free to judge someone in whom you're going to invest (or have already invested) a lot of emotional capital—it's fair to ask if he's worth the investment. And you're the only one who can judge that, because you're paying for it, somehow. Too

Of course, that calendar was a hot mess (despite lasting for 18 years).

Stuffed animals, and that rug thing next to him.

I think I would just try to keep cool, and pretend that you're explaining it to a mean three-year-old: "I'm sorry, but it's not acceptable to do something like this in my bathroom without, at the very least, asking me first. Please don't let it happen again." Walk in, deliver that message, walk out. Don't let people