
A big chunk of my heart belongs to Monet's Rouen Cathedral series. The fact that there are over thirty of these, and they all look so different and three-dimensional, blows my mind.

Then tell your grandma there's an opening for a job in Greece, New York.

Anyone saying, "Why didn't she just use her authority?", give me a call after you've volunteered at your local middle school or high school and let me know exactly how much "authority" you think you had.

Maybe, but so are many other societies—and to a much greater extent. In the 2004 World Health Organization bullying survey, the top ten offenders (percentage of children who were victimized two or more times in previous months) were, in order of greatest to least: Lithuania, Greenland, Latvia, Portugal, Estonia,

The soft-cheese cautions have to do with listeria (and raw-milk/unpasteurized substances). Sure, it'd affect you even if you weren't pregnant, but it's going to do more damage to a fetus than it will to an adult woman.

I honestly think the wide majority of people would be better off dealing directly with the problem getting their insurance companies to pay for therapy instead of medication.


I just sort of assumed all dads were decent—or that there was a minimum dad-ness that most dads have, and then I read all the posts here and realized...not the case. :/

I think some guys don't think in superlatives—"good," for them, is "great! amazing!," to everyone else. To be honest, it sounds like an encouraging email; plus, less than 24 hours response time, right? I'd give it a day or two and then say, Hey, yeah, I had a good time, too; there's [x] even coming up next week...

I think my dad pretty much hung the moon—he taught me about Grace Hopper; helped me build approximately 6 crystal radios in elementary school; once drove me to an eighth-grade dance where I was the new kid (and dressed completely wrong), then drove me half an hour home to change, and then another half an hour back to

Same here! I refuse to believe my preference is explained by a fetish for Halloween candy!

*triumphant cackle*

Maybe a 24-hour cancellation policy (a policy that incurs a 50% fee if broken)?

I hate those vacation-homes ones. "Look, honey, it's just like our villa back in Texas!" Die, oil barons, die!

Every. Single. Time. I really want to go on the show just to screw up that scene by peering in a closet and saying, "Damn, I could put a lot of books in there!"

Yes. Also for: "This kitchen/bedroom/closet is so smaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall!" (International edition only.)

Fortunately, you can choose to not eat in a cafeteria.

Potato skins with bacon and cheddar.

I saw a woman reading a paperback of this today on the train, and everyone within eyeball range was giving her serious sideeye. *cackle*

He looks like he's auditioning to play Harpo Marx there (to me, at least), but I normally dig him.