
I may have to read this another fifteen times (just because of my own Failure to Comprehend Spatial Descriptions), but I think it's beginning to help. Thanks. :)

Oh, yeah, I would never say "It sounds like a ukelele"; I'm just having one of those nights where is not working and I'm listening to scales over and over and over. Everyone needs a hobby. ;) I'm sure it'll sound great in six months.

Yeah, my point is just that I wouldn't just go without registering for tickets and expect to get in—the line is for folks who have tickets, as far as I know. And the registry is closed at the moment.

I think I'd prefer it, that way. ;)

Thanks, that does help a bit. Can you tell I'm a total beginner? ;) The problem is that, even if it catches, it doesn't come out in a loop—so I just end up with the needle thread overlapping the bobbin thread—which seems...pointless. :( Somehow, I just have a giant conceptual block between me and the images in the

I'm in my mid-thirties and don't really read chick lit, but if you need a "control," let me know. ;)))

I'm trying very hard not to tell my husband that his fancy rock guitar sounds like a ukelele.

You need to register for Daily Show tickets months in advance...

Obvious troll is obvious.

A different direction? You said, "Please give me examples." Now you're just trolling.

Now playing

I don't, either. Mainly because I find that one line, "Never mind, I'll find someone like you" so jarring and illogical ("Really? No, you won't")—I know it's meant to be rueful and ironic, but it just makes me laugh. I can't help it.

My family moved halfway across the country, the summer before I started 8th grade. My mom never had any problem making friends and always did a lot for the classrooms my brother and I were in, but I remember her repeating what she'd heard from another mother about her arrival at the new school: this mother (of a kid

It was one of those; I don't recall which one. And yes, I think it was malware (rather than a virus; I'm sure there's a technical difference). Not fun. My Downton Abbey passion cooled for a while, after that. ;)

I had this same problem, until I acquired some of the episodes by less than pristine ways, and wound up with a virus on my hard drive and an $800 credit card bill for a tractor purchased with my card number. Fortunately, my cc company understood me, through my shrieks of rage, but all I would say is: caution. :(

Soon in stores near you: Hugh Know You Want Some. Organic version: Hugh Jackman Picked All the Cacao Beans in This Bar with His Bare, Virile Hands. (Kosher version: Mesh-Hugh-genneh.)

@LarissaFae's comment is right on. I used to think Mr. S. was completely unromantic. (His idea of romance is to look at how close we are to paying off our mortgage.) He haaaaaaaaaates surprises, and last year's Valentine's Day bouquet was the last one to be found at our bodega at 10 pm on the way home from work. (It


Hard to choose, but: he only very, very rarely lets anything ruffle him. (Say, twice a year, and it's usually about software, not people or events.)

Remove the cop character, and you pretty much remove the only character (aside from the mother, arguably) who's rooting for Wiig's character's success and who reminds her of her strengths. Sure, those scenes aren't wild and crazy—but that's the point. Dowd's character is the foil to Hamm's sleazy, chemistry-oozing bro.

Oh, ugh, smarmy anaesthesiologists. :( Well, at least it went ok, though, and it's over! Yay! Glad it went relatively well! :)