
Say what you will about Barbie, the girl does have opposable thumbs.


Don't you mean, OMG. Amerikanerne har så lidt fantasi!?

Loved the obligatory, classic Science Dad quote: "If you're going to be a scientist, all you need to ask for is zip ties and duct tape." :)

I think I would say, "Excuse me, but when my head explodes in .0002 seconds, it's going to get on your feet, so you might want to step back."

The anaesthesiologist should meet with you shortly before the surgery, but, in order to have more time, maybe ask/call/email your surgeon or his/her office to see if you could contact the anaesthesiologist ahead of time and have a longer chance to explain your concerns and just ask to be walked through the process.

Indeed. If there ever was a place for "Thee" and "Thou," it's on a Sunday-night blog post.

Thanks... Work already pays for one of his phones and part of the data plan for the other, so...yes, it's a puzzle that doesn't stem from financial hardship. He did eventually realize that no one else in his family would be able to reach him, and I guess that made him see the bigger picture.

Yeah, I told him it made me feel like I wasn't worth communicating with. (I may also have said, "No man is an island.") I don't call him during the day, anyway, and he knows it. He said, "But you don't really call me that often," and I reminded him, "Yes, that's because your ringer is always turned off." Ultimately,

Three-hour nap? Leave Skype (or whatever) on in the background, with the alarm set to high if your fiance pings you? Leave a note for him on Skype, if you just can't do tonight? If you do end up staying up, one way I don't mind staying awake is to make lists: of books to read, of things to cook with just what's in the

We made pizza tonight, too. Alas, the dough did not rock—maybe I need to be throwing the whole yeast packet in there, like in your recipe. Mine has never risen as much as in that blog photo, and I'd like it to! (I put red onions, mushrooms, ham, and chopped broccoli on ours—it sounds weird, I know, but tasted great!)

Mr. S. doesn't understand why his saying, "I don't really need a phone anymore; you can just text my work phone if you need me," caused me to lock myself in the bathroom and cry for 20 minutes. Part of me realizes that this is a classic logic-versus-feelings clash, but the other part of me is just...irrationally

In an amazing world, this would be in the next DirtBag. :) Here's hoping!

I had laparoscopy for similar reasons and was up and walking around by the third day after the surgery (albeit while still on a lot of Tylenol with codeine). Make sure someone will be there when you're in Recovery, and afterwards (someone to get you home and settled on a couch or in bed)—preferably someone who will

Right; I guess I read a while back that it was designed originally as her end-run around Amazon. How the mighty hath fallen! (I'm sure she got a sweet deal, though.) :)

Yes. No doubt Anthony would've stayed if he'd held to the 50%-muse's-clothes rule.

Seventeen! There'd be more, but my city-bitchface means I no longer flinch at loud noises. ;)

I thought that's why JKR created Pottermore—are the books available there yet? From what I recall, it has to do with format—the HP ebooks are in the .epub format, which is standard to nearly every ebook format except Kindle. Amazon is not likely to overhaul the Kindle format just to get HP (although it's the only good

There's a place for that: [] "Haven't we heard enough horrible news already?" is dismissive and, in effect, marginalizes the couple that the piece validates.

Perhaps your concern would be better appreciated in a letter to her agent.