
Adding to what a.traore says, the Northeast is really the only place you can rely on trains in the U.S. (ok, and in a few places up and down the Pacific coast). Going north to south from D.C. to Providence and parts in between, for example; fine. Going east to west, or west to east: nearly impossible, massive delays,

Balanchine on, you crazy diamond. ;)

I went to my primary care physician with similar concerns, and she spent a grand total of five minutes telling me, "It's about counting calories."* (I should add that I have what is apparently great insurance.) I really wanted to say in response, "Wow! Thank you so much for your time and expertise! I could not at all

Anyone can Najinsky that she's trying her hardest. You really have some Nureyev!

Reading this, I imagined being bellowed by Amanda Plummer's character (in the "This is a fucking robbery!" scene) from Pulp Fiction. I think Swinton is messing with us all at the second-tier awards with her wacky suits and no makeup, only to deliver it at this and the Oscars. WELL PLAYED, SWINTON.

Rome is gorgeous, and you can do it by yourself. But beware of small children with pizza boxes. Just get the hell away when you see them. They're not selling pizza, and they'll strip your bag/money belt/whatnot faster than a piranha would a cow.

You're welcome! You're welcome! ;) (And the poster below raises a good point; FWIW, Dr. Maldonado is a woman.)

Dr. Maldonado at Spring Street Ob/Gyn is amazing.

Yes, no hose. No way! (Oddly enough, pictures from when they held it last year show a lot of women in hose, which baffles me, but it's sort of an older crowd. Not that I'm all that old, or Mr. S. I don't quite understand how we wound up involved in this, but oh well.)

Ooh, I like this idea. Hmmmmm! Thanks!

Yep, they're dressy, and the gown is nearly floor-length, so I was hoping to get away with only a tiny heel. Thanks!

I think it'll be before Easter. Hmm.

Thanks! Yes, they're dressy.

Black-tie event, long black gown, NYC, March: Are black strappy sandals ok? (I have no idea what other footwear options there are for black tie.)

So long, Margaret, and good luck! I'll miss your work (and what will become of Midweek Madness?!)!

I remember when a taco place run by Californian surfer dues opened in Prague* when we were living there and I went and WEPT upon eating a taco, since it seemed like they had some magical fridge to California (where I grew up) back in the kitchen. It was rather alarming to everyone else, including the staff. I had to

Mmm, sweet, sweet irony!

I am in the U.S., yeah, but this was a couple months ago, when the new season was airing in the UK and had yet to premiere here. :( Among my many vices: impatience.

"You wouldn't steal a handbag!" ;)

Jealous. Very jealous. But also very happy for you. Sand! Sun! Drinks with little umbrellas! But most importantly, SUN.