
Hmm. Well, I hope the season proves you right and me wrong. :)

No, Mr. S. and I are in New York now. I lived and worked in Prague for 2 years. The smazak in the photo is from some nondescript (but tasty!) place in Zizkov. :)

Oh, dear. I remember reading your posts about your parents. (If it's any consolation, I don't think it's the *most* absurdly grandiose property in the city...? At least it's not the Trump Tower?) Hang in there.

Re: the p.s., I would think, "Please Lord, let these people invite me to their New Year's Eve 2012 party. Thank you." It's a pretty sweet building. Too tall for me, though. (At least, that's what I'll tell myself, lest I crumble into a green puddle of envy.)

A friend, um, told me it was here: []

Good point about the team challenges—I sort of felt those were copiously ladled in, last season, to provoke everyone into poking Bert in the eye at once. It began to feel like Project Runway: Rashomon.

Same here. :) English teaching abroad—the romantic (not to mention impoverishing) life!

Ha, I just thought the same thing about BBC America and the new AbFab. :) The future is here, but where are the tiny cable packages?

You're welcome. :) (I only found it because last season's link was buried in my browser history.)

Now you need a "Zed's dead, baby" one. Or possibly* an entire Tumblr devoted to this meme.

I'm sure this will sound like I'm 85, but, in general, I learned by making cloth napkins and baby quilts on my mom's machine. It was sort of helpful, only having to figure out straight lines and mitred corners, because all the other stuff (including the mysterious behavior of the bobbin, as others have mentioned) took

I adore Anthony. The Mondo angle is interesting—no doubt that's some huge pressure, to know that everyone else there thinks it's yours to lose (but would happily throw you and your sewing shears over a bridge to help you lose it). Yikes.

Hello! Link above (maybe? Sorry if it's U.S.-only)! :) Thank you! I could go for fried cheese, too—even one of the crappy versions from Vaclavak.

Well, I got sucked in only to the very first, and the most recent, season (the pre-Mondo one), so I'm not entirely sure who's missing, but it certainly seems to lack something. Mizrahi is entertaining. The Heidi clone seems agonized to be there. Everyone else seems to be reaching desperately (except for Mondo, Rami,

It's here (maybe U.S.-only, though?): []

Project Runway: All Stars is a plastic-y version of the real thing. With one or two exceptions, everyone seems tarted up (both style and personality) beyond credibility. And there is no Tim Gunn around to slap some sense into them?! J'accuse, Lifetime!

Even just off his chair would be enough for me: []

I used to date a guy like this, and the final straw was when he hid his stash in my car without telling me. Oh, and it happened to be on the same weekend when I got a speeding ticket. He was a great guy, but it made me enraged that he saw no problem in letting me be liable, potentially, for something much larger than

That's gorgeous! Congrats!

It's called code-switching. Totally fascinating! :)