
Seconding Teebear. I used to swim a ton, and LE suits stood up to it. They have some with draping, which look really chic. Bonus: since it's the middle of winter, you're likely to score a bargain. :)


Friends of ours were just at Cafe Grumpy (cited by @yfunk) yesterday and they reported that they were tuning their espresso machine, so if you're a coffee aficionado, definitely go there, since I've never seen them do that anywhere else in the city. Cafe Doma is nice, if overly trendy and crowded between 10 am and 10

Writing and addressing holiday cards after 3 glasses of shiraz. This is my new favorite hobby.

Disneyland! An RV! Wine! It's like you won the lottery. :) Or what I imagine winning the lottery to be like (minus the cranky grandma). Have fun!

God! That looks like a Herculean effort. I made about 5 dozen biscotti (great for lazy people like me) and thought that was above average. I salute you. ;) (And I liked the Industrial-Revolution line immensely.)

Methinks the lady doth protest too much. Let's see your pencil cases, Charlize.

Cumbervadge, natch.

You're aware that the implication is not that she brings her current two children to conferences, right? Check out paragraph 3 again.

Gmail calendar (and/or work calendar) synced with your phone/Blackberry. I usually have mine always open in a tab so I can add reminders or accept meetings or whatnot. Google sync on my phone gets updated automatically and I get a little reminder. But I always check morning, midday, night just so I can stay on top of

I'm an introvert who married a mathematician. We have a lot of companionable silences. :) It can work. But, as littlepinkcake notes, it's about respect—and about each person understanding what the other one needs to thrive, and how to help him/her find that (in a broader sense).

I think National Science Prize winners get full-ride offers out the wazoo, so I'm sure she'll have some excellent opportunities...

Now playing

My favorite Danny Kaye bit is when he does "Choreography" in "White Christmas." His expressions are hysterical.

Congratulations! Yikes, drama. Hope you and little cookie are all well now. :)

Oh my God, the secret to that is cornstarch?! I have TONS OF CORNSTARCH (and all the rest of the ingredients, miraculously). Thank you for making my weekend. :)

Days like this, I'm glad I freelance, so no one can hear me go "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" in penguin-watching bliss for three minutes straight. Insanely cute.

I'm in favor of giving someone books to grow into. If your daughter's already an avid reader, go for something big and weighty: anything by Stacy Schiff (her Cleopatra is excellent), anything by Peter Ackroyd. Both do big, sweeping, richly detailed and compelling, very well written non-fiction. If that seems

Preach it, Fred.

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