
The next lawsuit should be against the cover designer.

Oh, man. Good thing he didn't ask his hairdresser while she had scissors in hand!


She looks adorable! Lucky you to have had her. I'm so sorry.

With a side of Seabiscuit.

I tried that, but slipped on a lasagne noodle on the treadmill.

At least one review (in the SF Chron) compared him to Hemingway. Which is fine, just not too inspired a comment on the expat-dude-in-Paris genre.

Precisely. I started to think, "Hey! There's a study where I could've been paid to look at dots? I could've used that cash!" Then I went back to writing the world's worst pitches and sketching my dream treehouse. (Really.)

Ok, thanks for the tips! (The retail version is insanely expensive—and that's not even the maxi version!)

Woo, indeed! It sounds complicated (but gorgeous).

London School of Economics? Start booking your trip to London and looking for roommates. :) There will be many dudes in your life, but there will only be one acceptance letter to LSE.

AdBlock? I have it, and Gawker stayed in a tab.

I think her character can be off-putting until you realize that she's the only one cracking the whip (over flaky and unreliable co-workers) and that the ultimate responsibility for getting a show together rests on her. Granted, Leslie Knope's character is usually in the same position (of having to rally people to her

I think that twisty thing is a pretzel baguette, which are not always as mind-blowingly tasty as you might expect.

Worth it if only for the SXSW action!

Like kittens.

Make up a throwaway email address and try again, maybe? :(

Agreeing with @JadeBamboo—ask your doc to do an ultrasound. He/she will probably poke around some, too, but it's easy to miss cysts with just a pelvic exam. (Having had multiple docs miss a giant one o' mine for a year, with some of the symptoms you describe, before they found it via an ultrasound.)

I'm not signed up, but have been following its progress out of curiosity—apparently they had far, far more people sign up for beta than they actually expected, which wreaked havoc on their servers and on site stability. The ebook release date has also now been pushed back to the first half of next year. My impression