
@Rosa - que seria de mi?!: I was doing that until I read about a study that indicated that jobs often come through what seem like fairly tenuous networking connections (i.e. friends of friends), and after that, I started leaning rather heavily on my network and meeting as many people as possible.

@Slatka: Hebrew's much softer than German, which, to me, involves a lot of hacking.

@Rilo-Andy: Right, but it wouldn't even accept my email. I'll give it a shot with a different browser. I do love a good fringe. :)

@Rilo-Andy: Hey! It won't let me vote, although I entered my email address. But I am sending you Internet-form-glitch-crushing good vibes. Good luck!

@MizJenkins: I couldn't believe that line when I first read it. It's not cute, no matter how old the writer is. Google it, or ask an adult, for Pete's sake.

@ShrutiBorus: Seriously. How do you even find sheets for that thing?

@Dictator for Life: I had students like this (they were 18/19 and I was 30—and yes, I know it's not a teacher-student situation) who drove me stark raving yo-yos, and the best advice I can give you is:

@fridaphile: To be honest, I would treat that as any other troll's message and wouldn't engage. Trolls, like bullies, get off on getting a rise out of people. I would scream a lot, but I wouldn't give him the benefit of a response.

"[Dogar's] advice for aspiring authors? ‘Read a lot, look a lot. Don't bother trying to imagine what "the market wants" or what your mum might think, just sit down wherever you're most at ease, and listen to whatever is inside you - and then make it into words. If that's too difficult, then start by keeping a diary.’"

@youthinkyouknow: Happy Birthday! Happy independence! Happy whole-bed-to-yourself! But I understand... I'm a huge romantic.

@kathykathykathy: Good for you! Is Scott Cairns still there? Best prof. in that department if you're doing a poetry class.

@AmberNicole: Is it I haven't really used it; a friend recommended it, though.

@fiddlestix: I like the taste of cooked dried chickpeas much better than the canned, but am usually too lazy to make them that way.

Was this study perhaps funded by the Daily Mail?

American Graffiti.

@NomadicNurse: Feel free to laugh, but mine is from Eddie Bauer and I love it. Also, I am an old. But what the hell, it's a classic.

@ameliabearhart: I was interviewing for a high-school teaching position (English) at a charter school, and there were 3 interviewers. The principal of the school asked, "What, in your opinion, are the major pillars of Western Civilization?" And my mind completely blanked and all I could think of were Beatles lyrics.