Ponda Baba’s Bad Day: A Star Wars Story
Ponda Baba’s Bad Day: A Star Wars Story
Me personally, I want to see why Dr. Evazan has the death sentence in twelve systems. It could be like Seven, but much more pointless.
Well, at least now we’ve solved the mystery of where he got his manners from.
The Force abides. I don’t know about you, but I take comfort in that.
Wow, you must be very smart.
That’s fine, cite your sources and there can be debate rather than just flinging hate. This isn’t facebook.
You seem nice.
Gawker’s final days are best forgotten probably. Denton ran that trial like a complete arse and it blew up in his face.
I’ve basically started a leech farm in preparation for this mighty comeback.
TIL: Reporting on factual events = misrepresentation.
And, as a bonus, Kotaku, a site that describes itself as covering “games and gamer culture,” should evidently not cover YouTube, many of whose biggest names make their living by either playing, reviewing, or commenting upon games.
Insert “The More You Know.GIF” here.
1.5 hours is absolutely an acceptable amount of time. You always know when someone you’re dating is “playing it cool” by not texting you back right away even if they see the text. If that’s the situation, run—that’s a childish thing to do. Otherwise, if you’re happily in a relationship with someone and this is their…
Regular conversation with the gf:
GBGF - “Babe, I told you about this dinner two weeks ago...”
GBF - “I don’t remember you telling me that?”
GBGF - “I texted it to you...”
GBF - *pulls out phone. 174 unread messages. Slips phone back in pocket* “I must not have gotten that text.”
Right? The LW is all ‘his problem’, but it’s really her problem. He’s texting just fine, according to his phone and inclinations. She’s the one that’s having the problem. Which is not to say she’s not allowed to view this as a problem, but it’s not his.
Ugh—the thing I hate most about texting is that people feel like they’re entitled to your time and attention wherever whenever...
He’d never eat a clam without Mother there.
Die Moist
Maybe they’re just afraid of hackers seeing them picking their nose and spreading pix on Pornhub.
I’m pretty sure we’re not supposed to understand it at first (like he didn’t at the time) but then realize she was trying to disassociate during the assault by thinking of a children’s toy.
I get so uncomfortable about the desire for people to suffer that goes against base tenets of mental health.
Genuine question - what do we think could Spurlock have done in this situation to NOT be considered an asshole? Or is that simply not possible.