
So what you are saying is they Don’t Speak?

Man, I feel like this has been the month of That Guy.

Who cares? Flights are horrible. People eat stinky food, they take up too much space. On more than one occasion the asinine banter of adults has been more annoying that children. Get over it. Flying sucks. Kids are kids.

Are you guys just doing a series of articles telling us not to buy what you have told us to buy all year? I fell for it with your anti-Alexa article because security issues are a real thing, but now I’m onto your reverse psychology articles.

I’m just so tired of this shit. Tired of people over 50 fetishizing a couple of decades in the mid-century. Tired of edgelord stunts. Tired of drugs and senseless violence being passed off as excitement. As a culture, I think we need to get out of this rut and look to something new.

Real truth: creepiness has nothing to do with attractiveness (unless lack of attractiveness is just because you’re super old and you’re hitting on 22 year-olds at the bar).

It’s all about efficiency. We Americans are big on efficiency.

With all respect, she installed hidden monitoring software on the laptop he was using and you think that he is the one “fucking with” her?

It’s so much more complicated than that, not that anybody arguing for getting violent with children can understand nuance. A lot of bullying incidents don’t have a clear good vs. bad side, it’s more about children not knowing how to interact with each other or process their inner thoughts constructively yet.

We’re all distraught over this, but don’t dole out spectacularly stupid advice. At the heart of this story is the omnipresence of cameras - and if you think that by storming in and assaulting a child bully at school is going to yield positive results in this day and age (nothing like when your badass mother did it),

THIS. Who could replace him? Literally anyone who doesn’t force sex acts on people. Minnesota’s governor is a democrat.

“Go use your pitchfork to go after Trump and Moore”

Well....just the “trying to hit people” gets you off the firearm owners club in the US. And just trying to hit people is assault.

I haven’t seen anyone say his behavior is the exact same as the other’s you mentioned. Can we burn that strawman down?

This article couldn’t be farther away from being about your dick, bro.

Um, what?

Please explain how men are expected to “prepare” their groins for women, apart from maintaining reasonable hygiene (as everyone should) and wearing condoms when asked. Did someone demand you wear expensive French perfume down there? A bow tie and a little party hat? Somehow I’ve missed out on hearing about all these

No. Dump anyone who feels the need to criticize the genitalia you are sharing with them. Any genitalia, any gender. If you are dating women who think you need to prepare your male groin for them, you need to date saner women. Except for condoms. Always shrink wrap it before y0u share it, for your safety and theirs.

The white people, both liberals and conservatives, that rush to defend Nazis and the KKK on behalf of free speech haven’t been as vocal about this. Hmm.

It seems clear from her story that she wanted to avoid the kiss, and that he pushed her beyond what is normally expected and what she indicated she was comfortable with. I’m not an actor but I’m pretty sure tongue isn’t standard in onstage kisses. Also, it’s pretty common for dudes to write hot women into their scenes