
Why would they be filthy? Do you not wash your shears?

How did this guy ever step foot in NASA?

If you die from hitting a pothole at scooter speed you were probably going to die anyway

If you die from hitting a pothole at scooter speed you were probably going to die anyway

But...buttermilk is the most appealing name possible

It’s not just women. The Academy loves actors playing a role where they need to look radically different from who they are, which sucks for actors who are actually ‘different,’ old, fat, disabled, etc.

So the husband is off the hook here because he feels bad about it? 

Are they,though?

Alan sure sounds a lot like a child rapist for someone who claims to not be a child rapist.

Not just visual impairments. There are a number of physical disabilities, mental/psychological conditions, and literacy issues that can make reading or processing subtitles difficult or impossible.

Does Michael know what film is?

Why does the title mention film cameras and the article doesn’t?

Maybe it’s a generational thing. I mean, I’m an old

Are you going to tell the teacher?

Should I have to pay a hefty fine because some people are worried about emissions!?

It was confounding and embarrassing

I don’t think you understand the term “let-down”


Intersting. Where I live frozen hashbrowns are at least half the price of cute multi colored mini spuds. 

JFC. Butter your eggs? And don’t forget to fry them in Pig LARD.

Nothing says “I’m a right twat” like “have a good day.”