
Honey Be’s In the Trap

Honey Bee’s

Can we be against both?

Judgement? That is as it should be.

I feel like I read a pretty scathing take-down of the EWG’s work a few years ago. Will have to try to find it.

I feel like I read a pretty scathing take-down of the EWG’s work a few years ago. Will have to try to find it.

Is your boyfriend my girlfriend?

I want your biscuits.

I use onion puree a lot because I hate the texture of onions. Totally irrational - one of the few holdovers from childhood dislikes.

To be fair, kids should eat whatever is served to them or starve.

What “specific events” are Christians being forced to participate in? Are we grabbing people off the street and making them perform abortions now?

If I appreciate average-looking women, does that make me super hot? I am going to assume Yes.

Insta’ed a pic of him eating a burger with grilled cheese sandwiches in place of the buns and I felt better.

As a man, maxi dresses seem to provide all the inconveniences of a dress with none of the benefits.

Can we get a nine-year-old’s opinion on this blog entry bashing the guy’s comment bashing the kid’s review bashing the Avengers movie?

Well, they didn’t name her Ava

Charlotte is literally an old family name for every (white) person

I was really hoping for MykKynzy

I’ve had several friends buy from breeders. It makes me sad and angry.

You don’t know who my baby is.

Yes, I hate the idea that your house size should determine your dog breed. Your dog needs walks. A dog who lives in a mansion will not walk himself around said mansion. A dog in a studio apartment is not less well off than one in a big house.