

If you think casually laughing at silly kids is 'over the top,' I can't imagine where you think the top should be.

Just don’t ever tell your daughter that, because she will then never tell you when a “friend” assaults her.

How many people in a crowd of “hundreds” does it take to confront 2 “thugs”? How many does it take to call 911?

1000% agreed.

If your partner doesn't know you are straight, yes.

Taking the bisexuality angle away from it, let's imagine he had sex with his fiancee's mother. Would he have a moral obligation to tell her? I say yes. My opinion has always been that past relationships should stay in the past, unless they are relevant to something going on in the future. I don't care if you boned

If you bought a stolen bicycle, I don’t think the cops would break into your house and take it, though.

Why is the petition for an “Asian” Mulan and not a Chinese one? Is it actually unoffensive to cast a Japanese woman as a Chinese woman? Isn’t that essentially saying all Asians look the same?

It’s not just about services closing. Kindle readers have seen books that they pay for go ‘poof’ because of licensing issues. And don’t even think of moving to another country.

One of my friends put on so much muscle that he ripped his suits, Incredible Hulk style. He would agree with you that the kind of 'new' ladies you pick up with such a physique are not the ones you were missing out on before.

I’m old - I don’t have to be cool or chill, right?

I don’t understand these people obsessed with ‘false rape accusations.’ Are they...rapists? I can’t see any other reason to be so obsessed with this.

I know you don't care what my boner thinks, but this girl don't need no makeover...

I hope you never experience the demise of your love. It's painful, and life changing; something nobody should ever feel.

I WAS mature for my age, in many ways, but not in the way I thought I was.

I ‘co-emceed’ my graduation/prom with a female friend. I went to a small high school in rural, conservative town. My friend was pretty androgynous and wore a tuxedo. Nobody gave a shit.

I feel like Netflix is such a benchmark. If I pay $8/month for that, I'm not going to pay $10/month for an inferior music-streaming service.

I like having a physical copy of things.