
You know that most bottled water comes from a tap, right?

You should try getting water piped into your house. It's expensive, but I have it and I *love* it!

Over where?

Thanks Obama

Your vote says "sex," but your look of disdain when I ask "what do you want to do tonight *wink* *wink*" says Netflix.

I would be more upset at sex disappearing, but Netflix will always be there for me. Tough choices.

But are you free later?...

Not feeling like a millennial is the most millennial feeling you can have.

Because that's how it works? dealwithit.gif

I tell all my brides

How dare people hold traditional, outdated views about what to buy me for my traditional, outdated ceremony!

ok, i'm SO sorry that my post isn't in any way related to this

Well, to be fair, I think women in their early 20s do like to date assholes. But if you're trying to date women in their early 20s, you have bigger problems in your life.

Asking her about herself? What are you, the NSA?

Or more non-assholes are off the market by your thirties? I dunno. I just think it's funny that all these dating advice sites tell guys that women only like assholes, which is clearly not true.

Aww yeah lowered expectations!

I was surprised how far not being a dick got me. Like, I would have dates where I was super awkward and there was no chemistry, and the woman would still tell me it was one of the best dates she had had because I wasn't a dick.

I find it hard to believe you are a real person.

Because people with CF don't even deserve to be born?...

Yeah, this is both horrible and false. Not all men cheat (Yeah I said 'not all men,' deal with it), in fact not *most* men cheat. Further, women cheat just as much.