
Can someone who knows science explain to me how vinegar gets rid of static cling? That seems suspect to me.

I hate anyone who makes plans, I guess

If you're allergic to pets you probably shouldn't go to stores with pet-carts.

Who are all these people who think it is a show targeted at children? What sorry-ass kid watches the Superbowl halftime show?

37 is the new 52

Bracketing and seeding are tools of the patriarchy.

Seeding is a tool of the patriarchy

Do you know what is attractive to teen boys? Literally anything. Hello lamppost...

Yeah, that'll work.

Ladies, you do not all have to strive for this unattainable body image. Strive for this other unattainable body image instead. You're welcome.

Are we sure?

Who can say it?

I don't want to just fall back on the fact that I was on the cover of GQ for being an actor.

It's almost like they are two completely different scenarios.

On the one hand, this woman is horrible. On the other hand, what kind of falcon can't take a Patti?

You are dating a horrible person.

It's interesting that pro-polyamory pieces always seem to be penned by people like you, and not the monogamous people who have to deal with their partners being polyamorous.

Thank you.

Ugh, look, fuck who you want to fuck, I don't care - but stop using evolution and science to justify your life choices. Old creepy dudes use 'evolution' to justify sleeping with 13 year old girls. That's not the type of company you want to keep. If we used evolution to justify our behaviour we'd be able to do pretty

I'm pretty sure Americans are the only ones who distinguish between rape and 'statutory' rape. Elsewhere, rape is rape.