What's he supposed to do, card her?
What's he supposed to do, card her?
I'm not creepy, I thought she was 15!
3 seconds after this was filmed he bit someone and then peed on the floor.
Wait, didn't that girl like him, though? Am I remembering wrong?
I don't know if others had this experience, but when I was a young lad it was other girls who encouraged my persistence, a la pop culture. Whenever I liked a girl who didn't like me, my female friends would tell me to 'keep trying.' I'm glad I eventually realized that life doesn't work like that.
Oh look, an anonymous Internet commenter told me I can't be a feminist. I guess I better quit.
Ladies, if a man makes this big a deal out of a proposal, or proposes in front of other people, it means you can do better, and he is terrified that you will realize that.
Thanks! This is so helpful. I love Plex, but I find the settings are all over the place in different players.
Thanks! This is so helpful. I love Plex, but I find the settings are all over the place in different players.
the best option is to always choose "Direct Play w/ Fallback"
the best option is to always choose "Direct Play w/ Fallback"
Potentially dumb question - will the Roku play network files on its own, or only with something like Plex?
Potentially dumb question - will the Roku play network files on its own, or only with something like Plex?
Lorde is 200. You are too young for her anthems, but one day you will understand.
Nothing buries a story like #slownewsday
I thought exposure was an important part of photography?...
If they don't agree with the terms, then they should move on, not go cry to the media that they aren't getting what they want.
Record that shit
Wow, #NotAllMen on the first reply
You should thank them for helping to give Bae the death it deserves
Though such people represent, according to McGowan, anywhere from 1 to 6 percent of the population
Oh man, I never think you like me. I'm not even entirely sure if you like me when we are dating.
WHo would have thought anything could go wrong with giving a stranger on the Internet money to make you a fake gun?