The funny thing is that a lot of workplaces deem anything with a hood 'too casual.' I know people that can wear fugly (un-hooded) fleece jackets to work, but can't wear a stylish sweater with a hood.
The funny thing is that a lot of workplaces deem anything with a hood 'too casual.' I know people that can wear fugly (un-hooded) fleece jackets to work, but can't wear a stylish sweater with a hood.
If I was a secret Kenyan immigrant trying to steal the presidency, I'd totally try to hide it as much as marrying a man and getting fake babies.
Not that you care what a dude on the Internet thinks, but damn Gurl, work those arms.
now Cramblett's sole job to raise and protect that little girl
Yes, and I am going to leave it there, for the world to see my shame.
I actually laughed out loud, and look forward to the hilarious grumpy comments to follow.
Yup, someone making a little joke is the reason everyone is not a feminist...
Funny, I'm a man, and I didn't feel like she was grouping all the men on the planet together. I guess because I'm not a poor insecure boy who needs everything to be about me.
Oh noes! Cognitive dissidence for the 'men are losing their manliness'/'climate change is not real' folks!
Every wedding dress looks the same to me. I feel like you are all trolling me when you say one dress looks amazing. (Yes, I am a dude)
You can rename her, but a Paula is always a Paula.
You have a backup husband.
Hmmm, I feel I may be several ladies' backup husband. Always the backup, never the groom...
Completely unrelated, but I hate it when the Kindle price is 50% higher than the paperback!
I get what you are saying, but training takes time, and you still need to coral your dog sometimes in the meantime. My friend is fostering and awesome puppy, but she's a little shithead when it comes time to leave the park.
It's nice to see Allah finally getting into American football