Telltale will remember that.
Telltale will remember that.
THE DEVIL'S CUPCAKE! That is amazing. Where, if I may ask, is your mom from?
I wanted pouffy as you could get... in black. But was shot down. My mom convinced me to tone it down on the layers of frou-frou and color of the dress by saying I looked like the Devil's cupcake. I did see another black gown with less pouff and more lace but by then my mother's withering words and scathing looks had…
As Commander of the Feline Uprising I am going to wake you up by kneading incessantly on your chest at 4am until you feed me respect your opinion.
I always love it when people blow up about a game they bought on Steam when they clearly didn't even read the whole description on Steam and obviously never thought to google the game before handing over their money. They just get pissed because the game isn't what they thought it would be based on the name and a…
I've never seen the problem unless people think steam should hold a higher standard and are personally insulted that they don't. After all you're on the internet buying a digital game. The same internet that lets you look up said game to see if its any good. If you can't bother to do that then its your own damn fault.…
Show of hands: who else Googled Mitchum-Humpsterfumper Disease?
After teaching five years of cadaver-based human anatomy labs at university, I can honestly say that it is equally horrifying-sad-hilarious how poorly people understand reproductive anatomy.
I wonder why this guy gets ridiculed in the article while the girl who was charged $300+ on Halloween (and her birthday) was to get our sympathy. Granted, she gave us a few more details (that she couldn't pay her rent because of the Uber bill) and got lots of donations to cover the cost. Does it merely come down to…
Can they just make a film adaptation of Assassins already?
I am at a loss to name a worse big budget musical.
In the late 90's, I worked a shall-remain-nameless global bank in Sydney. This particular year, the xmas party was held in the very opulent ballroom of a luxe hotel nearby. The bank had had an extremely good year, and the party was off the hook.
I think Allison Janey would have been a better fit for the role, personally. But that's because she's a perfect fit for any role in the world.
Anyone who doesn't think Bush was a bad guy needs to revisit the interview he did with Tucker Carlson in 1999, where he mocked a woman on death row whose execution he was being pressured to stay. When you stun Tucker Fucking Carlson with your degree of dicktitude, you know you're an asshole.
Well shit, now they have to re-write the whole fifth season of Downton Abbey.
That's as fun story, but fundamentally that place was understaffed, which isn't fair to the workers or the customers. 45 minutes isn't a reasonable waiting time for a burger, even during rush hour.
Waiter, *angrily*: "Well, maybe I will come to your country then. And eat all of your bread!"