
I was closing the window when I saw your comment. Had to reload the page to recommend the post. Bravo!

Holy Shit! There's a way to get reruns of Mathnet!? Why did no one tell me this!?

That's hardly the biggest defect in the "study". It's so small it doesn't even get the "this is not a scientific survey" disclaimer. It used 72 college students. A frat-house walking by wouldn't simply skew the results, it would account for them entirely.

Not that it weakens the statement much, but it's worth pointing out (as it's often overlooked with studies) that this is A. a very limited demographic (yet another survey run on only young affluent college age males) and B. a very small study. We're not talking about a few thousand, or even a few hundred. We're

THANK YOU! I was reading through these replies with my jaw on the floor. I can't understand how people's rose colored glasses are so thick. He wasn't a well intentioned guy in over his head; on his best days he was a disinterested frat-boy who had no business running a convenience store let alone a country. The rest

No, if he's the only black guy and his presence is trivial, he's a token. If he is the star, he's not a token. It's not just about the number of characters, but the significance and quality of the role.

You could try to make the point to a five year old not to get pregnant too early, not to do crystal meth, and not to shove pumpkins up their ass. Sure, you can claim they had good intentions, but the school had no business talking to the kid about such things at that age...and they sure as hell had no reason to think

The follow-up was actually worse than "the good ole' 'sorry if you were offended' apology". It was, at least as you quoted it, "I am sorry for anyone who may have been offended."

I don't say? I. Don't. Say? I do say. Come with me and we'll banter about you saying I don't say and my saying I do say while we perambulate from office to office with long tracking shots.

I don't understand your best-friends urge. Most of the staff is introduced as being highly competent and very experienced...and then proceed to trip over their luggage and mass text the entire network about romantic issues and generally fuck up endlessly. Sorkin, while often sounding a bit preachy, is generally good

Part of it is also that he's said a lot of what he wants to say before...several times. A few years ago I was sick and binge-watched Sports Night...which was good...but you got to hear a lot of the same jokes and topics brought up in a different context. He recycles himself...a lot. I mean, you could easily make an

Sure, there are a lot more loser shows than good ones, but HBO both has a better proportion of good shows (potentially bucking Sturgeon's Law) and its strong shows are better than a lot of other network's good shows. That, and the risks-taken, as you noted.

Something about your use of capslock and the topic made my brain add an H to your exclamation. Twasn't flattering. :D

It disproves that thing about "when you assume you make an ass out of u and me". He only made an ass out of himself.

You've become too accustomed to Steam sales. Just buy it. If you'd bought it years ago, your price-per-hour of game would be minuscule. That's the metric to think about. Even on a steep sale, the vast majority of triple-A games don't have nearly as great a price-per-hour as Minecraft (or, my newest addiction, Factorio)

Nah. Doughy Fieri with his deep-fried hair is a poor fit. This guy grew up in France during the war and is a bit of a badass. I'm picturing Jean Reno straight out of Leon (perhaps with Matilda waiting in the alley ready to take out the mob guy).

Did he say, "she wouldn't"? No. He said, "I wouldn't want her twerking". It's not a statement of control, paternalistic, parental, or otherwise. It's a preference. "Imaginary-future-daughter-figure, I'd rather you didn't overshadow your limited musical talent by pairing it with a video of you shaking your ass and pole

True, that specifically hasn't happened yet, but what should be setting off the warning bells is that it doesn't stretch one's imagination in the slightest to picture it happening tomorrow.