
It's exactly this. It's overapplied. Using it on character that exist beyond male-lead-motivation is wrong. Using it to describe actual people is wrong. However there certainly are MPDG characters and it isn't sexist to use it when criticizing a lazy writer's work. It's much the same as the oft used Magical Negro

Or trust anything after the words "CNN's findings".

Unlike MMOs, there seems to be room, for now, for more than a few. While DotA and LoL are huge, the genre isn't life-consuming (and doesn't require recurring payments) means people can dabble in them more freely.

I didn't say she did it for the business, just that it's another good reason.

Regardless of whether she needed protection or not, that isn't the sort of scene you want happening in a place of business. The establishment can get a poor reputation just as easily as a person.

Sounds like out of Fight Club to me. If it isn't, something very very similar is.

So you're saying you'd want her to slip it into sausage rather than slip her the sausage?

First thought: Perhaps he's health conscious or wants to know about an possible aallergen.

I love wasabi...and I literally just curled up into a small ball, hands clasped over my mouth and started yelling "OH GOD OHGOD OHGOD".

It is indeed pathetic. However, I would argue that while a single kid would have "no excuse for that shit", half the class failing that question suggests a more systemic issue. Sure, they probably weren't bright students...but with enough exposure, most of them should have absorbed it by now (not all, surely...but

If you're already here in your rhetoric, consider it less as what we owe them, and more what we owe ourselves.

It's just the usual progression. If you can't argue with people on the facts, you attack them for tone. It's essentially an admission of defeat.

I couldn't get past the end of the 5th. The thing was around 1000 pages and nothing...ABSOLUTELY NOTHING...happened until the last 75. The man had used more words than the whole Lord of the do nothing at all. Wasn't willing to give him another shot after that. Don't know how you made it to 8.

Clearly, otherwise you might have put a little more thought into you comment before adding another detail-free nugget of negativity into the web. I'm impressed you didn't just type "-1" and leave it at that.

Not Littlefinger's, but that of his blond-haired procurer from the first scene with the Martells, though he isn't seen in full until 403.

Plenty of Theon showing in season 1 with Ros; less so lately, couldn't imagine why :P

Same here! I figured it was something relating to his performance as Hedwig, though I'd associate the Hedwig wig with that instead of a Penis-Hat.

It's not a goddamn pointless statement. Quit being so thick.

That's only barely true if taken in a more literal way than you meant. If you're found innocent on appeal you're (generally) released. Thus, if you're found innocent, you're not on death row. On the other hand, plenty of people who WERE on death row have been found innocent.

If he's anything like me (a thought I worry about), the punmanteau came first and foremost. Once you've got a compelling enough pun (or a half-decent one in a sleep-deprived brain), the rest follows naturally (or quite unnaturally as I just rediscovered. Curse you internet! (