
Well, we could debate the causality, but I believe I read above that it had "waffle bits" in the ice cream, and that it's a maple syrup espresso. So, there is more to the "waffle" side than the ice cream's shape, but those small enough touches that it still seems somewhat arbitrary. Then again, if you're set on making

Every time there's a news story about a bicyclist being hit, the thread breaks down the same way. I'm not sure why I'm at all surprised here. I scroll down to the comments and among the first I see are "I'll be That Guy [sure's she's bad, but how about those lousy bikers!]", "[Sure she was speeding, but they weren't

If she was using her phone in any way (even hands-free Bluetooth doesn't matter) then her driving was equivalent to that of an intoxicated person. Add to that that she was speeding on a wet road at night.

That reminds me of the first time I got altitude sickness. Was in one of the rocky mountain states and found myself in bathroom stall (not at a urinal thankfully) and simultaneously erupted three ways with a major nosebleed, vomiting and, of course, diarrhea. Felt like my body was collapsing in on itself.

Most of these are ridiculous (though not at all unbelievable), but I can sympathize with the guy who asked "Is rockfish a fish?". You'd only need one experience with Prairie Oysters to be a little hesitant about any aquatic food with a name you don't quite recognize.

Well, the first time I thought I had an ulcer for a few days, but after that it was much much easier. I like occasionally having peppers raw; you get to experience their flavor, which doesn't always survive cooking, and you get a sense of just where each pepper effects your mouth (I find habaneros feel like a rubber

Huh. I'll have to keep that in mind. I've rather enjoyed munching on habaneros. Now I can look forward to the rest of those experiences. :D

Just scrolling down, I'm surprised this lasted as long as it did. I figured this conversation was over before it began. You started it off with a religiously-based derogatory slur. Let's see you off the same way; you won't be missed pig-fucker.

I completely agree with everything you said, but for the good of the fanbase, let it go. Please don't become the "Waaaaaaugh! Firefly was canceled OVER A DECADE AGO and its loss still burns me to my very core like it was yesterday." type fanbase. Please, I liked Pacific Rim too much and don't want to have to distance

With luck this'll make everyone a bit mellower; I don't need any more news of yet another mass shooting in Colorado.

Yes and no on the toast matter.

It's even better/worse than you think. Behold! (but turn your speakers waaay down)...

Furthermore, if a sixth of the article is spent saying that it's a really really small sample size and the population used isn't representative at all, so it's really meaningless anyway.........does anyone else find the broad generalization in the title bothersome? Somehow if the majority of 3 dozen Nebraskan guys do

No one is saying that horrible shit doesn't happen in urban environments too. But like I explained to amajacu, it's about more than the simple (though still horrible) act. It's about what happened afterward.

I'm sorry, could you explain to me how your name calling adds to the conversation?

You seem to confuse me with FlowbeeBryant. Do I broadly blame all small towns for Maryville? No. I blame this town; But I won't pretend that each small town story like this is an isolated incident either. Also, to call what happened "slut-shaming" rather understates the matter. If the girl was persecuted, the term

I want to agree, but no. This case goes far beyond the scope of Hanlon's Razor. You cannot attribute this sort of behavior to stupidity. This is malice, pure and simple. If it -were stupidity, you could hate the town, but think that it could get better somehow, but this sort of place doesn't get better. It gets worse

Are the culprits given a pass? Does the city turn out to persecute the victims? The victim's family? Burn down the victim's home? No? Then kindly go fuck yourself.

The whole town wasn't involved in the rape itself, but it was in what happened afterward; those who dismissed it (both in the legal sense and not), those who persecuted the family, and those who were complicit in it all.

Nah, that's a ugly mistake, but if you make a really major mistake in a German meat-processing plant then "You're the fucking wurst!" would be accurate.