
Now is one of the worst times in modern history to build a gaming PC due to scalping, mining, tariffs, and the overall high MSRPs of AIB graphics cards. You will end up paying double the price to match the performance of the XSX. Budget builds are dead right now, which is where the XSX fits in perfectly.

There is so little reason for an Xbox to exist.

If there were so little reason for the Xbox to exist, there wouldn’t be millions of Xboxes in the world. People really need to let the “just build a gaming PC” take die, it just makes you look myopic. 

I mean... the expense is one reason: you could buy a Series X (assuming you could find one) and a fairly barebones PC for your day-to-day PC use and still not come close to the expense of buying (or building) a PC comparable to a Series X. Not to mention people (like me) who just don’t like PC gaming - I just don’t

Between this and raiding countless churches/burning houses while monks scream for their lives, this game gives more villainous thrills than any Grand Theft Auto title.

Stephen Totilo: The Last of Us Part 2 

It’s a statement that has morphed with the times.

Step 3: See, Step 1.

Lmfao. Just because Reagan's presidency didn't negatively effect you doesn't change the fact that he's probably the worst, most disgraceful president we've ever had

Step 1: The rich people get the money.

This wasn’t a review, and the shit that Reagan did during his administration was abominable, and that’s just how he dealt with the AIDS crisis alone. Beyond that, his bass-ackwards economic polices, proven not to work and since been deemed a failure by the fucking architect of the policy are still somehow considered


yall up in here so pressed about politics in a gaming review, like you’ve never been to kotaku before

Deal with it 

No review is stating if the Series X supports Dolby Vision/Atmos FROM THE DISC DRIVE. The One X supports it via streaming. Hope someone can answer my question. 

Whatever happened to just being able to buy and play a f***ing game.

Welcome to the end game of infinite growth and capitalism 

I’m excited for next gen, but this show was a fucking snoozefest. And the hyped AC gameplay wasn’t there.