The gullible are always convinced that their check will arrive in the mail any day now
The gullible are always convinced that their check will arrive in the mail any day now
Sadly I’m more and more convinced that the public at large would rather die in a gutter than hurt the people responsible.
I’m so exhausted of late stage capitalism. When do we get to the part where we put CEOs and shareholders in a guillotine?
You are a massive part of the problem. Its not that he’s old, its that he’s in major mental decline. YOU are one of the reasons the Democratic Party is in this mess. You want to pretend like it isn’t happening when it clearly is.
Lol, comment section here is exactly what I expected.
A bunch of whining that “the stakes are too high” to make fun of Joe Biden. Once again: it is not the media’s job, nor has it ever been the media’s job, to overlook the flaws in your favorite candidate just because you view it as necessary for the greater good. If…
This whole “church of xbox” thing is REALLY stupid.
The issue with xbox going multiplatform is MS exclusives are basically the only reason to buy an xbox. If Xbox, the consoles, dies, sony will no longer have a ‘direct competitor’ in the console space. (Let’s be honest, nintendo is doing it’s own thing.)
No competition is bad for everyone.
Stop trying to make “Church of Xbox” a thing
Just as a disclaimer, I dont own an Xbox or Playstation, so I dont really have a horse in this “race”, but I think that it can be useful to consider reasons why you might see this kind of brand loyalty with xbox/playstation fans.
A games console is a big investment. Most people have to make a very considered decision…
What a way to misread their post. They weren’t saying her comments about masks were correct, they were saying (in their opinion as a Jew) that they weren’t anti-semitic.
Even ignoring the classic pedant trap of mincing hairs over the difference between Democracy and Republic, the US still isn’t much of a “democracy” in any sense you might care to use.
I never forgave Xbox after the RROD fiasco. Went through all the pain of getting it fixed, only for the paste on the CPU to die. Turns out they only fixed it once for free. I cracked and just bought a new Xbox, only for Microsoft to crow about record sales the next month.
Other reasons;
1. Game points? Selling games at…
I think the sooner people realize that corporations are not your friends, and that they only exist to make money for people who already have a ton of it, a lot of people will experience a significant improvement to their mental health.
What’s shitty is people like this distract from the fact that the move could kill the Xbox in the console market where people could lose thousands of dollars worth of paid content, which in my opinion is totally understandable.
The tone of this article is condescending and is not above the console war narrative it pretends to mock. Gloating that someone on twitter with a whopping 15k followers is upset is peak pettiness.
Elephant in the room:
“As creatives obviously, by going digital-only it does allow us more time to polish the game,” Rowley told Eurogamer. “Like, a significant amount of weeks actually. Because otherwise, the game that goes on the disc, obviously it has to be playable without a patch.”
It’s an amazingly deep and fun game. My 9 year old and 15 year old daughters are having a blast exploring. Even my 43 year old wife, who doesn’t play games at all, loves going around and collecting things, opening up the map, etc. The long and short is, it’s probably one of the best, biggest, most fun, and most…
Ever since that game came out, all of Sony’s games have slowly been homogenizing towards becoming a Last of Us clone. [..] They did it to God of War, they did it to Spider-Man,
Chances of me ever visiting Japan at this point in my life are slim