
As they always say, “if at first you don’t succeed, give up and watch the eclipse.”

It was pretty good, but not pretty x 2 good. 

Richard Lewis was REALLY sick, even when shooting this season. Has there been a single shot where he wasn’t sitting? Car, restaurant, golf cart, etc etc. It makes me feel bad, but I’m so glad he got to be here for the final season.

I’ve never heard of this person. 

I check gamepass pretty much daily and was super surprised seeing this listed. I thought the first was okay, but not good enough to buy the second. After spending a couple hours with the second last night, I can say it well with buying. A good thing to discover after you no longer need to buy it. Anyway, this one's a

You just become ridiculously partisan and scared since he was on last. If Stewart came back and coddled either party, it wouldn’t be the daily show with Jon Stewart. It would be a 30 minute version of Rachel maddow. And nobody wants that. Although, I would take it over an hour version.

Partisans are as disgusting as the two parties they shill for. Cornell West, 2024!

Thanks for actually making sense and understanding, instead of being part of the, “I’m a fanboy of not being a fanboy and I’m just as obnoxious as every fanboy I’m constantly bashing” crowd. I have all 3 consoles and I have since the PS2/Xbox/Dreamcast/Gamecube generation and I still think this sucks. Because it does. 

It is obviously happening. It has been obvious it's what they've been going for for at least the past 4 years. 

You are taking a lot of twists and turns to try to, I don't even know what. Epic clearly knows about the stereotypes. So, I don't get the point you're even trying to make. I also don't understand what happened to our user pics on Kinja. 

Because, every single person who bought anything digitally agreed in the terms of service that they would not bring Sony or any other party involved to court, and would resolve it all in binding arbitration. Binding arbitration wear, believe it or not, Sony gets to choose the judge. A class action cannot be brought

It’s like you're not speaking English, just because of one word. What does "lampshading" mean? I can't even figure it out by placing it in context. 

They should have included Starfield, or something, just so that not every game of the year title was a sequel. Of the nominees, my vote goes to Alan Wake 2. Yes, I've played them all. No, I don't even think it's all that close. That said, I do think they're all great games, not counting Baldur's Gate, which really

Seriously, is there anyone besides PC gamers who don’t hate PC gamers?I’m a PC gamer, I don’t own anything, I’ve been paying for licenses under strict DRM that they can take away from me anytime and I like to brag about it constantly because it makes me feel superior because a million frames per second is the only

That There is DRM at all is stupid and so anti-consumer everyone should be up in arms. 

That’s such a load of bull. Yes, a license in name only. I would dare any of these idiot corporations to come try to take the disc I bought from me. But, they could take digital copies anytime they want. That's the difference and why physical media is physical media and you own it, no matter what they say. 

The story is incredible. Hands down the best in the series. 

Lord of the Rings sucks. It took Rings of Power and this game for some to finally wake up to that reality. 

His excuse sucks and it’s just that, an excuse. When the games arrive on disk there’s always a mandatory install anyways. They are not releasing it on disc for one reason and one reason only - They don’t want you loaning the copy of your game out because that costs them some profit and they don’t want you renting the

It’s a pretty great little sci-fi flick.