That’s not true! That’s impossible!!!
That’s not true! That’s impossible!!!
This doesn’t bother me, as the game is free and this is how they make their money. If they were charging real money for the game and THEN charging for loot chests, XP, it would be shameless and, despite being a vocal advocate for purchasing the first game, I would rage against even the idea of purchasing this title.…
I’d buy one for free. I still haven’t found the appeal in paying for digital clothing. I remember when PS Home sold a bunch of “clothes” and people literally paid thousands of dollars for matching sets, etc. Guess where they are now?
Hahahahaha! Awkward ... No, I didn’t know that. Oops.
Gone Home did this right now everything else is copying it and it’s like, “Go Home, Gone Home clones, you’re drunk.”
You’re eating squid now, you’re eating a kid now, a squid, a kid, a squid, a kid ... sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-SEAFOOD!
That big “2" on the controller is going to lead to nothing but people wondering where controller 1 disappeared to.
That touchpad is a relic of two failed experiments: The PS Vita and the Wii U. It’s like a big red zit on the tip of the Prom Queen’s nose. Oh well.
An equal amount of effort went into Destiny 2's logo!
I’ve sunk to an all time low laying here on a Friday night debating the merits of diet soda — but I have to agree with that sort of rude dude above: Diet Coke is abysmal. Coke Zero does have that classic Coke taste that’s missing entirely from Diet Coke. It’s sort of like a peppery taste, for lack of a better word.…
The majority of left leaning Democrats are strongly in favor of public health care — Medicare for all is the newest incarnation. Even something like 20% of Republicans are for this. Sadly, the corporations and today’s radical right GOP are against it and they run the show.
Yes. Yes you do. :)
I like how the bottom one just gave up and didn’t even try creating a virtual lower half to the body.
The 3D is really impressive. The problem is the original 3DS and the 3DS XL have such a tiny sweet spot. Still, 3D without glasses is pretty awesome and I personally wish they would have perfected it with this release, rather than remove it entirely.
Reading comprehension is your friend.
It’s pretty much everything JC3 is trying to be.
I liked the second game, but JC3 was one of my least favorite open world games ever. I actively hated it.
What if Nintendo WERE the scalper? Just a thought.
The SNES Classic doesn’t cost more than $5 to manufacture. Add in retailer’s cut, shipping, etc. and you’re at maybe $10 or $11. You’re way off thinking Nintendo is paying $50 for these things. A far more powerful Retro Pie is less than that in a far more niche market.