
Explain how it makes them money when there are still a TON of people out there who haven’t been able to buy an NES Classic and STILL want to buy an NES Classic. How did ceasing to produce the NES Classic, still in demand, make Nintendo more money? Nintendo has ALWAYS created false scarcity, but not this often with

I think Nintendo IS its biggest third-party seller. Seriously, this has gone on too long with too many items being sold for triple their price. I am convinced Nintendo is both shorting their hardware AND selling the hardware they shorted.

“We’re not going to have explicit sex and nudity and drug use that we see in all of the games. There’ll probably be more violence,” Thornbury said. “But you know people will understand that this is what happens in the real adult world.”

Can I have it?

I want a no party system. This “two” party system is just a corporate dictatorship and it turns politics into a team sport. People should run on the issues and the issues alone and people should vote on the issues and the issues alone. Most people just vote for an R or a D next to a candidate name.

her supporters just didn’t vote in the right states

Why the hell should a state with next to no one be equal to a state with a ton of people? These small, low population states already get equal number of Senators, etc. Overpowering a bunch of bumfuck, backwoods, noodle-brained hillbillies has gone on for too long and has all but destroyed the United States. You’re

I hated playing this part of the game. The only thing that stands out as worse to me is the scene in GTAV where you have to torture. How did that even get into the game? At least the scene in Heavy Rain fits the narrative, as messy as the narrative is.

He was busy wandering for the past 24 months — didn’t have access to the Internet.

Gawd I love Neo-Geo. I worked at Software Etc. and then FuncoLand (now GameStop) during its year of home console existence and played a TON of games throughout my time being employed there. I had the SNES and Genesis at home. I knew with the shit salary gaming stores spit out I would not be able to afford a Neo-Geo so

Oh I understand that they abandoned the WiiU. My gripe is more with the fact that they abandoned it to go and make a new system so similar to the WiiU in terms of graphical and gameplay capabilities.

No matter how you spin it it IS another $300 for a console no more powerful than the Wii U running Wii U games and games that were initially being made for the Wii U. A $300 “Keep Playing” fee doesn’t float my boat, either and because of that I’ll be skipping the Switch. I did love the Wii U while it lasted. Too bad

“Blowing” this out of proportion? Blowing? I see what you did there ... do you? ;p

I love this series, but as the original trilogy still plays perfectly and I still own and play all three games, I won’t be buying this one. That said, I’m sort of happy they directly transferred the gameplay, as they would have never been able to improve on it.

I wonder if Nachomacho (ironic name) drives a big ass gas guzzling SUV? Or truck? Or does anything else that pollutes the air the precious children breathe (like eating meat) or the water they drink (such as voting Republican)? I suspect he’s not perfect. And I suspect he, like all parents, does things that bring some

What’s more consumer friendly? Being able to play a game that you and a friend own, together even though you’re on Xbox and he’s on Playstation? Or telling you telling your friend to get an Xbox because that’s all you have?

Did this win “Game of the Year” at E3 this year? If not, what did? And why?

Worst E3 Ever. For real. And I’ve watched or attended every single one. Sony did okay because they clearly have a “style” that works well and their games look GREAT considering the hardware. Nintendo did okay, even though they looked like Wii U games. Microsoft was an absolute “online-only” joke of a presentation and

I just wish that, at least Sony, who doesn’t have Windows 10 backing, would have the fucking balls and brains to keep console gaming console gaming without dividing the user base. They’re falling into Microsoft’s trap. Just my two cents.

It’s just that I didn’t have to buy TWO PS3s. My PS4 broke and, even if my PS3 had done the same thing at the same time, I would have had ONE choice and that one choice would have been one hundred dollars (or more) less. This “Pro” and “S” crap is why we’re NOT PC gamers. PC gamers are mindless lemmings willing to