
If that’s true, then console gaming has truly turned into PC gaming which means we should all be gaming on PC. I avoided, for the most part, PC gaming because I wanted to avoid having to upgrade every few years. If I now have to do that to have the best version of a game on a console, I’ll simply play all my games on

Thanks. You are right. This “infinite scrolling Kinja” is melting my brain. I wish it would stop that. My Velveeta cheese brain agrees.

I have no idea how you worked Rocket Play into this whole mess. I’m not a fan of that game, despite getting it free. I am curious what you mean by fake 4k. Does Sony offer Ks on their system inferior to the Ks Microsoft is offering? If so, will I be able to tell a semi-K from a full K? Will I be O-K, with either K?

Will I notice a difference? On my launch PS4 I loved the hell out of Bloodborne. But, at the same time, there was noticeable slowdown. I still loved the hell out of the game. Will that slowdown be gone and will it make all that much difference if it is?

I’m not objecting, but I can’t help but wondering why this and the Shadow remake don’t have a number after them, as I suspect a sequel will almost always outsell a remake.

Along with that game Xbox has about heads that are cups and the Spider-Man game, this is the only thing that impressed me. Still, I must wonder: When gamers age just a bit further, are we gonna start getting a shit-ton of games about Grandpas? Oh ... yeah ... grandpa games are so fucking hardcore. I love you PaPa.

I bought one of them at launch and played it for years. Then it broke a few months ago. Then I bought an Xbox One S, which I really don’t like that much. Now I’m debating buying a PS4 Pro, as I thought the Xbox One X was embarrassing and useless. But I feel like an idiot PC gamer paying to upgrade mid-generation. That

Sony and Microsoft have never diverged this greatly before. As a single-player gamer, there were only a couple of games I DIDN’T want to play that were shown in Sony’s presser and only a couple of games I DID want to play in Microsoft’s disaster. I seriously doubt MS will even let XBOXX games be sold on physical

If I had 7 friends, I wouldn’t need an XBox, XBox 360, Xbox One and XBoxX now, would I?

It’s because 4K is such a power hog. If they put all the extra resources into actually improving graphics/gameplay we’d see a HUGE upgrade -- at least visually. 4K is a complete corporate buzzword to sell new TVs and if your screen is any less than 70" is a complete, absolute waste of money. This coming from a guy who

My PC runs at 4K 60FPS. Cost twice as much as an XXX, but it’s a PC and does PC stuff. $500 for a console that even consistently does 4K 60FPS (which it doesn’t sound like the XXX even does) isn’t that great a deal. Does anyone know if the XXX let’s you buy physical discs or if it’s basically a DRM machine like Steam?

I’m hoping for that too. I haven’t played the first Shenmue since in launched on the Dreamcast and there have been many shits between then and now.

Bullshit. The first Metroid Prime proved that bullshit 1000 times over.


Funny I think I’ve given up on Nintendo, but my top 3 wishes include: 1. New Metroid Prime 2. New Animal Crossing 3. New Last of Us. 2 out of 3 from the company I’ve, in my own mind, “given up on.”

Back-compat is used, loved and it DOES bring in new gamers. I was all PC, Wii U and PS4 until about four months ago. Now I’m ALL about the Xbone. Last gen was better and I’ve been buying a TON of 360 back-compat games and downloading “free” ones. I also subscribed to LIVE for my first time in at least six years, just

This is because Nintendo is known, world over, for shorting hardware and software supply illegally. Not that I’m worried. I’m waiting patiently right now for the next shipment of NES Classics to arrive. Nintendo promised they’d show up throughout the year and I didn’t have to worry. Of course they weren’t lying, were

If I weren’t burned so badly (not as badly as that girl in the F13 remake, lollollol) by Kickstarter, I’d buy this in a second. And if it weren’t crazy overpriced. And if I had more money. Can someone PLEASE gift me this game on Steam? My name is PSN_SloopydrewReborn. I’m the biggest F13 fan pretty much ever — but I’m

Does printing out these boxes make the downloadable games any more my property to do what I want with them? To loan them to whomever I want to? Or is it still a glorified rental, manipulatively stating “buy” -- rather than “rent” -- before I pull the trigger? It’s a sad world we live in when we have to pretend to own,

The day I consider $65 a good deal for a mediocre controller is the same day I burn my two eyes out with sulfuric acid, grind a pound of freshly ground pepper in both of the sockets and top it off with the hottest of hot sauces sold to human beings. 

The day I consider $65 a good deal for a mediocre controller is the same day I burn my two eyes out with sulfuric