
I read this article when originally posted (probably commented). Am now dealing with the “Justice” system in U.S. wherein I burn through all saved up vacation money to prove my innocence on something wherein the victim has recanted statement, which has, beyond ALL reasonable doubt, proven my innocence. But this is the

I still wonder who took that picture.

Nice save.

Virtual reality will make 3D look like the biggest success in tech history.

Technically, isn’t Kinja Fusion? Didn’t you guys buy Gawker Media? #SoConfused.

My fiancee stole some envelopes from work a couple of days ago and said she did it because they “made her” by not paying her enough. I laughed and laughed and laughed and then said, “You’re gonna get fired.” Then she cried and I reminded her we need to get a pre-nup. 

Scam of SPAM. A SPAM Scam. By Mennen.

For retired players to retire without a pension.

Whatever happened to Tina Amini?

And Nintendo wonders why the Wii U failed?

Makes me sad there was never a real Animal Crossing game on the Wii U. Stupid Wii U.

Good luck with that. Ask the developers who tried to out-Zelda Zelda how that went.

That’s what I ended up doing. I’m done with Bethesda’s bullshit. Sony and Nintendo just showed us how to do it right with Horizon: Zero Dawn and Zelda: BotW.

I keep switching back and forth pretty regularly. Two hours with Horizon, next day three hours with Zelda, next day three hours with Horizon, so on and so forth best two fucking games of this gen came out in the same week.

This may be the first time ever where this list isn’t really relevant to anyone other than Xbone and/or PC-only gamers. With Horizon and Zelda on the Wii U, Switch & PS4 the other console gamer’s Springs are basically covered. Of course there could be people who don’t like those two games, but if there are, I don’t

That Aliens game was one of the worst things ever. I got to the end of the first section, where you’re waiting to open a hangar door, or whatever, and it glitched and an alien stood in front of the camera and I literally couldn’t see anything, so I started over. The EXACT SAME GLITCH happened, even though I moved to a

G-zuz, I literally forgot that was a thing. I could never get my head around Borderlands being essentially a point and click adventure. I do love TellTale, though; maybe I’ll give it a shot. (Get it? A shot? Because it’s based on a shooter. HAHAHAHAHAHA!)

Whatever happened to Borderlands? The Pre-Sequel, or whatever it was, came out and it’s like the whole series just died.

GOAT isn’t close to the A(cronym)OAT.

GOAT thing? Are you reading GOTY as “GOAT”? If so, it’s “Game of the Year”.