
Would it have found the acclaim it has? Absolutely not. But it would have definitely received Bloodborne/Dark Souls level praise. Had it not been Zelda, it would have received the acclaim Horizon did a few days earlier and that game was well loved (deservedly).

I felt the same way. Wii U had some great games, but not enough to justify the purchase (fortunately for me, my ex-girlfriend bought me the console). With Breath of the Wild at the end? I can’t imagine many thinking the console wasn’t worth the investment -- at least if they can resist getting a Wii U 2, or whatever

So ... any idea how many copies sold on the Wii U? That’s where I’m playing it. That’s where everyone I know who is playing it is playing it.

Breath of the Wild and Horizon. You can cut-and-paste this answer from the last couple weeks and keep cutting in pasting it for at least the next year.

These deals are the only reason I’ve considered an Xbone. Sony’s been stingy this gen. Same with Nintendo.

These deals are the only reason I’ve considered an Xbone. Sony’s been stingy this gen. Same with Nintendo.

It is pretty awesome. Best game ever? No. But it’s definitely going to either be this or Horizon that gets my “Game of the Year” (talk about an awesome March for gamers). How are people getting so many hearts? I’ve played for around 20 hours and only have 5. What am I doing wrong?

I never did watch him, so I’m saved the agony of being disappointed by his insane sounding, Trump-ish opinions. That said, I feel for his fans. I’ve always hated when someone I’m a fan of (usually a musician) reveals himself to be batshit crazy, politically.

In this order: Hush, The Body, Once More With Feeling. After that just a lot of awesomeness I can’t really prioritize. 

Grinding does seem pretty stupid and, for me, would erase the challenge, but not getting ANYTHING for your Amiibo is pretty annoying. I have the Wolf Link Amiibo that came with Twilight Princess for the Wii U and that fucking dog hasn’t given me shit. At this point, I’d take just that: A steaming pile of dog shit.

I followed you on Kinja, because I think you’re a cool dude.

You can choose between Black and White as of now

You people are boring. Booooooooooriiiiiing!

Without music, how will Switch users know whether their home screen is inactive or actually frozen?

This article is a lie. Destiny is to last 10 years. They have a “10 year plan,” remember?

And once you get used to the unruly control setup in Zelda, it is an awesome game, as well. I just prefer Horizon. If Zelda ran as smoothly and had more managable controls? I’d probably place them as a tie. I’ll ask you after I finish the game if I don’t figure out where Horizon is located. I like trying to discover

I think Horizon is more RPG than Zelda. I actually feel exactly the reverse of you; Zelda is more adventure and Horizon more RPG (crafting, leveling up, skill branches, etc. etc.). No, I haven’t pieced it together yet, but now that you said that I’m sure I’ll figure it out before it’s revealed. Jerk. ;)

I say give it a year(or two) before we can fully say what the switch can’t and can’t do.

Most of the N64's life, all of the GameCube’s life, the last half of the Wii’s life, the first half of the 3DS’s and all of the Wii U’s life should show it isn’t too hard to know better than Nintendo at this point. As a matter of fact, the only reason the first half of the Wii’s life was such a success was because of

They’re kings of game design

There’s no practical reason Breath of the Wild can’t be on Playstation or Steam or what have you.