
Get a room, you two.

G-Zuz, Mr. Plunkett -- as a, “The GameCube is the best console of all time” fan myself, I’m going to use this article as reference material. It is the PERFECT argument for those who laugh at me when I say it and ask, “Are you talking about that stupid fucking lunchbox console?” These are all the arguments I’ve made in

No. They’re just reprehensibly selfish and support two things that are mutually exclusive: Fiscal Conservatism and Social Liberalism.

Oh, dyam!

Because something edible had to eventually be created that had a creamy center that replicates exactly the wet farts you’ll be having after eating said something.

Animal Crossing.

Looks (and sounds) good. Now let’s hope for a spiritual successor to Wave Race, since Nintendo’s apparently given up on all things “racing” without a kart in them.

For better and worse, they will diminish the uniformity of experience that console gaming has tended to have in contrast to PC gaming.

My impression, as a PS fan, is: Fuck you, Sony! Microsoft Xbox division is failing and their idea is basically to divide the base and get back into the PC thing. Sony’s point in doing this? I paid $400 at launch. I pay premium at launch for ALL consoles because — until now — they weren’t upgraded halfway through the

They’re both fucking up like stupid fucker-uppers. No way in hell is it a good idea to upgrade hardware on a console mid-generation. This is EXACTLY why console gamers aren’t PC gamers. This will drive console gamers to the PC, which I suspect is Microsoft’s plan, but I have no idea what the hell Sony is thinking.

Can’t say I’m surprised you found a way to slam Uncharted, yet again. And Naughty Dog. Sigh. Glad I was out most of the weekend, only to return after Kodocu came to a close.

Pretty much all games were better last generation. This generation = epic fail.

You should reply to every negative email you receive. The responses to your replies were the funniest part. I have plantar fasciitis and have to go now.

So glad you included the GameCube gamepad. Definitely my favorite controller of all time. So practical, so well designed, so ergonomic, so Children’s Television Worskshop looking. I have one in my living room just to pull out and play with whenever someone new comes over to show them how impressive it is. Um ...

Not to mention they break like every three months. So sick of pressing forward to run and instead walking slowly to the left.

Table Tennis was the best event at the summer Olympics. Followed by swimming and then gymnastics. That is just how I feel as a human with individual taste and I am expressing it here as to share with other humans because it makes me feel like my own individual taste is important.

I’ve always hated the PS3 redesign. I managed to avoid owning one until three weeks ago when my PSPhat finally died on me. Now I have that ugly charcoal looking “new” one sitting there, staring at me and me staring back hating its ugliness.

The original Super Mario Bros. I hum that song every single day. That one and that terrible Lita Ford song about not getting laid on Saturday night.

I hate when people — usually Conservatives — clearly have no idea what the word “entitlement” means.

Where did this game even come from? It was completely off my radar. All of a sudden all these gaming sites were posting and I thought, “Hmm ... musta been a small release.” Then they kept posting and posting and posting. Is this like this year’s Destiny, or something?