unsure if the current permissions will really allow Google full access to your e-mails
unsure if the current permissions will really allow Google full access to your e-mails
No. Poopy on that mechanically inferior comment. Unless you don’t count level design as a mechanic. Or creature design. Or character design. Or art design. etc. etc.
Don’t we all already have a paint bucket buddy in real life? Lame, Nintendo. How about we get a little role-playing in our RPGs?
It’s unfortunate Windows 10 sucks, in that case.
Those that can afford to buy new systems every 2 to 3 years don’t see that side of it or care.
There you go, making sense again. *Rolls eyes*
You’re making too much sense. Shame on you.
I agree with you completely about the slaves to corporations whining about how they hate hearing people “whine.” They’re almost always Republicans or “Libertarians” too. Anyway, they’re dumb. Ignore them. I’m posting to say this has happened before. And it was the same corporation. Microsoft. The original Xbox was…
When I heard about that billionaire funding Hulkster to take down Gawker my first and only thought was: THINK OF THE CHILDREN! Of course I meant Kotaku. Who’s gonna think of us, Jason? Will it be okay?
Much better than any U.S. talk show that’s sole purpose is to interview people promoting things. At least better than any since pre-1990 Letterman.
I couldn’t give a shit less what the most Conservative fucking Supreme Court in the history of the United States decided.
Hoopity poo poo.
Second Amendmend does NOT mean individual citizens can all have their own arsenals. Period. Get some reading comprehension and take another look.
The AR-15 is a useless killing machine on sale only because of the gun lobby (NRA) buying up Republicans in Congress. No citizen has a right to own one. Period.
Regarding Neogaf we can agree. Why anyone would waste a second on that site is just ... I don’t even know.
I will continue to read and enjoy your articles Kirk, but is it so much to expect a separation of politics from my video game news?
Thank you. I have no idea why people have so much trouble understanding that concept. Then I remember the average intelligence of the typical gun nut.
2nd Amendment is so misunderstood. It is if forming a militia. Otherwise? Yeah ... no right to arms. And to let people who were on the terrorist watch list and investigated by the FBI buy automatic weapons made for killing? Pure insanity.
Motion control, all over again. Didn’t take off then (excluding a faddish blip), won’t take off now.
I figured out it needed a manual. It’s not that great a game, anyway. I went back to Witcher 3 and am now playing Uncharted 4.