
It’s false advertising, son.

Agreed. It will age much more like Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword. Not a good thing, at all.

Why not both? Why one or the other? Uncharted 4 has incredible art design and high end graphics.

They HAD to do it in this one, to provide a reason for Bats to stop hating on Supes. I can’t believe I’m defending this movie. The first half was decent, but wow, the second half was basically another Transformers, with monsters and super heroes instead of Autobots and Decepticons.

Agree with you regarding the Wii controllers. Terrible monstrosities of shit. Disagree just as vehemently with your regarding Wii U controller. Until I actually owned the Wii U, I was sure that would be the most uncomfortable controller ever. When I demoed it, I hated it. Once I got used to it? It’s pretty much

Nintendo fanboys are annoying.

Online only gaming. What a disaster. Especially in Nintendo’s hands. I’m putting this game up for sale, right now. Not even joking.

I can’t believe how few people commented here. Not many old farts left around Kotaku, eh? I feel so alone ...

I should probably just tweet this as you’ll likely never see it here, Patrick, but I had the exact same thing happen. I couldn’t fix it by myself, either (after three days of trying). Finally had to bring it into a repair shop where they said it’s happened “a lot”. They managed to work their magic and get Windows 7

Studio Ghibli no longer making movies = Anime is worse.

I can’t figure out what you’re going on about.

Why DID Nintendo drop the Prime series? It was critically acclaimed, it sold well, everyone hated that crappy thing they released afterward. Makes no sense why they dropped it.

The dark world is sort of what wrecked it for me; still loved the game, though.

Don’t assume. As I said, I LOVED the game on the GameCube.

Okay, I think we’re an agreement then. It’s just never been done badly in the Metroid Prime series.

It is better than Super Metroid. I was worried too, about it going first person. It could not have been more than 7 hours into the game when I declared to no one in particular, “Fuck Super Metroid, there’s a new Samus in town.” Then I dropped the mic, before it was cool and left the room.

I usually hate motion control, but feel the opposite of you. I loved the game on the GameCube. I loved playing it with the Wii controllers even more. You say potato, I say potato (that saying really doesn’t work in print).

Even though I’m going crazy with praise for the game, I’m gonna admit right now that that did annoy the hell out of me, too. I’m even gonna admit that I’ve played the game three times since and quit every single time before that final boss backtrack hell. Why does Nintendo always do that in both Metroid and Zelda

You’re not alone, young Padawan.

Or a fart in a hot tub.