
I forgot about Bloodborne and Souls’! Good. Backtracking is still a thing. Now I don’t hate the world quite as much for their bad taste in games.

I bet you’ll like Prime 3 the least this go-around. It was cool because it was actually fun to use the motion controls in that game; a rarity. Once you play through them all again, with the same control scheme, Metroid Prime 3 is by far the weakest of the trilogy.

Backtracking is awesome when the developers know what they’re doing. The backtracking in Zelda, Resident Evil and Metroid games — especially Metroid — is the greatest thing ever. Fucking open world lame ass bullshit ruining gaming forever.

Metroid Prime remains, to me, the best in the trilogy (I last played them when I got the very last remaining copy of Metroid Prime trilogy when I found out it went out of print — my favorite “collector’s edition” with the awesome steelbook case, etc.), by a longshot. It’s my second favorite game of all time, after

The tl;dr comes after the lengthy text. I think you somehow missed the point.

Me, too! Amen my bearded brother! I couldn’t believe, having paid full price for a game I already owned twice (GC and Wii), there wasn’t not just a manual, but the one manual to rule them all. It doubles the hurt when the game itself has an in-game joke about READING the manual! That was just like Nintendo rubbing it

My take away is that we’re saying Destiny is incredible. No ellipses needed. That just seems ... impossible.

let’s not forget the first trailer for the 1984 Ghostbusters was shitty, too!

Gawd, this video game generation sucks. I haven’t gotten really excited about any of the games I’ve bought that were PS4/Xbone/Current-Gen-PC. It’s like, after the 360 and PS3, developers or, more likely, producers, just gave up.

No. I was restraining myself, actually.

I’m sorry. When people take my rights as a consumer away, due to the stupid and gullible way they consume, it pisses me off. Especially when they’re arrogant about it. It’s like a Donald Trump voter acting intellectually superior.

It’s funny how Nintendo fans who SCREAMED how graphics didn’t matter throughout the Wii-era now SCREAM how much graphics (1080p) matter in the Wii U-era.

Fuck off, you corporate, ass-licking stooge.

2. I don’t think so but I could always be wrong.

A couple of questions for you, Jango (if you know the answers):

That’s just like what happened with the most recent Fatal Frame (Europe got the physical, U.S. didn’t). What the fuck’s up with that? U.S. people just more gullible than the rest of the world and willing to “buy” rentals?

My dogs watching Kojima getting his due:

Seeing “Konami” and “Game” in the same sentence brings on waves of nostalgia.

Am I the only one to notice how, ever since the PS4 came out, PS+ went from giving a lot of AAA games to low-rent crap? Yay ... again ... current-gen.

I don’t even know what you mean by “age scenes.”