Well ... now I know why I mistakingly thought it was a prequel. Everyone is younger. How is it not a prequel?!?
Well ... now I know why I mistakingly thought it was a prequel. Everyone is younger. How is it not a prequel?!?
Capcom would be the problem as they dumped the team in the first place. But money is money and if they think it can be made, I doubt they’d object too heavily. Then again, they could pull a Konami and be like, “Fuck money!”
If you’re made of money, let me start a Kickstarter where you can buy me the statue. Thanks.
How has this not happened yet? Everyone who has played the game loves it and if it has name recognition to the point of a $400 statue being made of the thing it has to have the name recognition for a sequel (it did have some sort of prequel thing, if I remember correctly, on one of the handhelds).
The statues cost $350 and $385 to preorder <<<———- When you wish your disposable income was more disposable.
Is there something like this that I could plug into my Dell desktop? My Dell desktop is, oddly, a model that Dell abandonded less than one month after I bought it. It will not use any other video card than the one included, which I’m guessing would mean it wouldn’t recognize something like the box for this laptop, but…
Zelda did it.
I don’t own or even have access to a grandstand.
Would you say this one is worth playing?
Now that I know where Rise is going, it takes an enormous amount of the fun out of it.
I’m wondering the same thing, myself.
It’s not. It was a good one. And fresh.
I had a comment to make about this game that I thought was really funny and thought many others would think was funny, but also knew would offend a few. So I decided against making said comment. I just want everyone to know I’m censoring myself. It’s not an easy thing to do. You’re welcome.
It’s the first time I’ve had a game spoiled for me on Kotaku. The only person to blame is the spoiler and the mods for not taking his post down faster (when I looked at it it had already been up for three hours). If you were coming into a thread below an article about a game’s story, or whatever, you’d probably take a…
Lots of things have been insinuated. Only one is fact: Microsoft was desperate due to lagging sales and paid a ton of money to keep the game off the PS3 & PS4 — where the last Tomb Raider was a huge success — for the holidays.
Why is it, “shame on me, then”? I was spoiled by the same asshole commenter. How is this our fault in a thread that’s about a game that’s coming to — is not yet out — the PC?
I think of all the major, AAA titles released recently only 3 had crippling problems and only 1, Just Cause 3, is still a piece of crap
Holy fuck, dude — you’re an absolute asshole. How did you ever get out of the “pending comments” section?
It’s hardly a spoiler, game has been out since November.
If that is a spoiler for a game MOST gamers haven’t even had a chance to play, you’re a gigantic asshole and it would be nice to see your burner account shut down or, at the very least, have it booted into “pending comments.” And, if that was a spoiler, one more thing: fuck you.