Rise of the Tomb Raider would not have happened if MS had not footed the money to finish it
Rise of the Tomb Raider would not have happened if MS had not footed the money to finish it
Everyone is skewing this to fit their argument. It wasn’t released on PS4 and Xbone at launch. At launch it was PS3, 360 & PC. At launch the sequel was Xbone & 360. The last one sold 3 million on 3 platforms in the first couple months, this one sold 1 million on 2 platforms in the first couple months. Keeping it off…
I remember when you used to respond to most of my replies below one of your mainpage posts, but now you never do.
I loved the game, but think that the Table Tennis on the Move sports’ game (whatever it was called) was the definitive TT video game. The game was so accurate it was scary. Best motion-controlled game ever. Where Rockstar’s game has an advantage is it had online play. My friend and I played that for hours, as we used…
I read that part of the post, but we were discussing the “point and click” comment you made. Anyway, it seems we agree on The Force Awakens and Hillary “win at all costs” Clinton, so it’s good to see you calmed down a bit. Maybe you were just having a bad day? Anyway, enjoy this video.
G-zuz, calm the fuck down, dude. You sound like a mental case. If the game wasn’t “for you” you could have just said that, instead of making entirely bullshit, misinformed statements about it being “point and click” (“point and click”, in gaming, isn’t what you think it is, btw).
I thought it was a terrible game and wasn’t as good as City or Asylum. I loved Asylum — still one of my all-time favorites. I liked City. I thought whatever the third one was called was only OK, but still worth playing. I hated, hated, hated Knight.
It, obviously, is a point and click style cpu game
Is that REALLY the reason? I bet that’s not the reason. I bet the reason is really that you hate Xbox and are a Sony/Nintendo/PC fanboy and should not be writing for a gaming blog, because you have such bias. Why do you hate Xbox, Luke?!? ;-)
2015 was a terrible year for both games and movies. I literally can’t even come up with ten games that are worthy of a top 10 list from 2015. Witcher 3 was my favorite. There. That’s my list. Witcher 3.
Now Joey, Dee Dee, Johnny and Tommy can finally hear Lemmy singing them R.A.M.O.N.E.S. again. Fuck — I just depressed myself.
The world does feel a little more empty without Lemmy in it.
My wood does. Oh, yeah.
Has anyone ever told you you’re overly sensitive?
Never mind those of us who bought the PS4 at launch, have had almost no good exclusives to play and were excitedly anticipating this game, had been disappointed once by a major delay and now again by a month’s delay.
Do you think people would take it as a Christmas gift? Something to rejoice over? Obviously, it’s disappointing. I can’t believe you’re getting upset that, at Christmas time, a Kotaku writer references Christmas to begin his post.
Of course they don’t announce this until every single person who was going to buy a PS4 for Christmas has bought one. Oh well. This is basically the generation that wasn’t. In a couple years the new consoles will be out and it will be like this generation never happened. Sort of sad, consdering the last gen was the…
We’ve basically lost our entire right to lawyers and a trial due to these fucking lawyer “jokes.” They’re not funny and they piss me off and no way in hell I’ll “chill” when I hear one. Watch the documentary called, “Hot Coffee” and see if you still think lawyer jokes are funy.
That quality of the movies is irrelevant. It’s the quality of the safety crews and stunt crews. It appears Sony hired third-party companies out of Africa to save on the budget. That way Mila can get a bigger paycheck for standing around looking pretty.
How did this turn into the longest thread in history regarding The Crow? That was 21 years ago. It’s been sorted.