Your dumb ass gets wronged, lawyers won’t be such a joke to you.
Your dumb ass gets wronged, lawyers won’t be such a joke to you.
This is a result of these mega-corporations cutting corners and hiring out third-party stunt departments (as Amazon hires third-party phone support, etc.). That way the mega-corporation doesn’t have to take responsibility (like Apple with the suicides at third-party Foxconn) and life can go on for the upper class as…
This video brings back nightmares. I remember this game being next to impossible. I think I finally powered it off, declared, “I’m never playing an FPS again” and dropped the mic (IE - controller). Hundreds of FPSs later, I didn’t keep my word, but, at the same time, I never did go back to this game. It remains…
Dude, seriously, get a sense of humor.
No d’oh, here. You worded it so weirdly that my moment of d’oh was due to your moment of d’oh, meaning you own both moments of d’oh, making you extra d’oh-y.
So, you admit your video had no relevance?
How is it relevant? I wasn’t talking about CG in live-action movies. So where do you find the relevance?
Totally irrelevant.
Well ... now you’ve gone and made me feel all guilty and self-aware. Can’t a person just be tired of CG CG CG and then, more CG? If there were room for both, that’d be one thing — but there isn’t. CG pushed 2D out fast and the attempts at 2D comebacks have failed. 2D animation is a great artform and it became a lost…
I did see it (and I can’t believe you expect me to argue about seeing Revenge of the Sith early as well). I don’t give a damn if you don’t believe me. Period.
The screenshot looks that way, mostly, but an 8 second video clip someone posted in this thread looks pretty hand-drawn.
I forgot all about that! That was pretty awesome.
Does look 2D there, but it’s so short and they’re getting better and better at rotoscoping (which Homer called “roto-rootering” on the newest Simpsons).
Wasn’t arguing semantics (it annoys me when people do that). Did think you had made a typo in your original post. I thought you meant to type, “Well, I have beaten” rather than “haven’t” in the first sentence. Felt like a prime opportunity to make a joke and give you a moment of D’oh.
This is so weird. Another person responded to my five year old comment in this thread. Did Kotaku repost this article on their main page, or is this just a strange coincidence?
Redneck. ;)
Yep. Played Ni No Kuni. By “CG garbage” I mean I don’t like CG animation. Not that the movie itself will be garbage. Is it more likely to be garbage, because it’s 3D? Yes. Does being 3D animated mean it will be garbage? No.
I like a lot of CG animated movies. But I’ve never liked CG animation in those movies. Does that make sense?
I really, really, really hope you’re wrong.