
Look at the date I put up my Revenge of the Sith review on Rotten Tomatoes. If you’re “right” indicates I haven’t seen it, you’re wrong. The only Star Wars I didn’t see early of the last four (counting Force Awakens) was The Phantom Menace.


He’s loved everything Darabont has done based on his books. The Mist did have a great, tragic ending. Much better than the book’s ending. I think King said something like it was the ending he would have written had he not stopped writing the book first. To address the original topic: I can’t imagine a game based on

It’s called marketing. Sony did a great job of it this time, Microsoft stumbled out of the gate. I own the Wii U and the PS4 and not the Xbone, but if I were looking this year and didn’t buy at launch, the Xbone would be my choice, just based on the exclusives (along with the deals, like the $350 terabyte including

The movie’s a huge disappointment. The only one in the series I like less is Attack of the Clones. Yes, even The Phantom Menace is better. The whole time you watch the film it seems to be screaming, “AM I STAR WARS ENOUGH YET? AM I?!? ANSWER ME!!!”

That’s what I was thinking, too. That woulda been awesome.

It’s hard not to look, but you do it anyway.

Well I haven’t beaten Dante’s Inferno and aside from it being a “copy/paste” ripoff of God of War in many ways, I really had a great time playing through!

LOL, I just typed a post admitting I didn’t notice it was him. Weird.

Oscar Isaac is great, and on a pretty huge roll these days. I loved him in Ex Machina

Until the next cash in sequel.

It was meant to be a God of War for Xbox-only gamers who couldn’t play God of War. Ironically, it ended up selling better on the PS3, than on the Xbox. I agree with most of what you say, but disagree strongly on the story being better in Dante’s Inferno because, 1 - What story?!? 2 - Really?!?

Which explains all those absolutely excellent, critically acclaimed, highly-rated by audiences movies based on Stephen King novels. King got a bug up his butt about The Shining and Lawnmower Man, but he’s usually not at all particular about movies based on his books. He usually admits the movies suck, but he doesn’t

The game itself wasn’t bad (wasn’t that good either — probably a 6 out of 10), but I hate it because it was the first one that snuck in paid microtransactions next to free power-ups. They changed it in an update (I’m guessing due to so many complaints and demands for refunds), but at launch, they were all crammed

Star Wars: Battlefront is a mess, period. Hopefully Disney gets the movies better than EA gets the games. I’m 50/50 on that, even.

Until most of those skilled jobs are replaced. Leaving only a company or two to design schematics for all other companies where fully automated assembly lines create fully automated machines for other fully automated assembly lines. Steam paid next to nothing (or nothing) for this plant. Tax payer dollars pay for

it creates many highly skilled well paying positions in place.

Now if only I could change my ten dollar U.S. bills to hundreds, so I could finally afford to go to Japan!

I have been forever “grey” in the Steamed section which, ironically, makes me steamed. I think Nathan Grayson hates me — either that, or he should change his name to Nathan Greyson.

I guess the developers failed at properly explaining the mechanics of their game, in that case. Oh well.