
No, I remember the past well. And owned both of those games (still do). And I can install those games on my PC to this day, without using some DRM service, without worry the servers will be shut down when a sequel comes out, etc. etc. They also had a bunch of levels and were full games without “season passes” to buy

My favorite Ghibli movie and one of my favorites, period. I didn’t know it was based on a short story, but it was powerful to the point where I miss this author, despite never knowing him or knowing of him, until today. RIP.

I didn’t say “all kids these days.” Just like I wouldn’t say all older gamers prefer single-player (I have a number of friends who are older gamers and who prefer multiplayer). When people use the word “entitled” it rankles me and it’s become more widely used, incorrectly, every day. “Entitled” is sort of like the new

I loved Condemned multiplayer almost as much as its single-player (and that’s rare for me). Whatever happened to that series?

I’d say it’s the exact opposite of what you’re suggesting. That older gamers recall a time when one simply got more for their money, and see what many publishers are doing for what it is: blatant greed in the face of a younger demographic who doesn’t necessarily know anything different.

Young Republicans who run around the Internet constantly misusing the word “entitlement” are usually the most entitled snots alive. Just like the people crying about “Social Justice Warriors” (usually the same people who use the word “entitlement” constantly and incorrectly) are the actual Social Justice Warriors,

it also makes no sense to make console AC, when their handheld direction has been working incredibly well for them.

have pushed Mario Maker forward a bit

The person you’re responding to meant that this wouldn’t be a huge leap for Nintendo to do what the guy in the video did from what has already been done in the other AC games. You just keep coming back with this weird “DLC, monetizing” stuff. These aren’t ideas that would cost a lot of money. This Animal Crossing,

Gawd, I’d kill someone in Animal Crossing: New Leaf to get a Wii U version of Animal Crossing. That huge touch screen was made for the game. There’s no reason an Animal Crossing would need a more powerful console like the NX. The Wii U seems like it was made for Animal Crossing. Nintendo should have held off on

What can it offer now ?

You’d be surprised. I’m turning 42 in 5 hours (December 8th, 5:03 AM) and Half-Life 1 & 2 were THEE biggest games with my hardcore gaming peers. Basically any gamer from 33-51 are the original Half-Life demo. And a lot of us (I’d say most) are still gaming.

“why can’t we just install it straight from the CD?”

It doesn’t actually blame the sister. Don’t get me wrong, on the surface it seems the sister is being blamed, but if you look deeper — and I admit I didn’t get this my first time through, either — they’re actually blaming the locksmith — or incidents that lead up to the locksmith (more on that in a second). The dad,

Level design, atmosphere, nostalgia and the desire to keep going to see where the story takes you. But mostly level design, nostalgia and atmosphere. I really liked the game.

My boss is black, makes easily 150k a year

We may, perhaps, have swung too far in the opposite direction in some respects

I’m actually uncertain about the right answer here

oh fuck off. this is like getting offended they didn’t get a junkie hobbit to play gollum.

white privilege isnt real