Sir Trey

My childhood

I tell ya how they evolve.

What I HATE is that here in California we're watching coverage 12 hours delayed, the results of which we either know or can easily find out. Yet NBC chooses to show the WARM-UPS before each group skates! On delayed coverage!

Oranje you glad you didn't wait for the gong?

You think the manager switched goalies after the first half ended?

Sodomizing Minors Don’t Hurt ?

I had a female fan at training camp stick a note on my dorm. How did she pass security??

I'd take her name. Scandal is a hot show.

are you asking? if you are email me.

This isn't all about you, Kerry Rhodes. Sheesh.

take that up with the organizations. I could have helped you guys.

good question. nina agdal and a dolphin (the dolphins)

Mack and ryan lewis are pretty good.

LOl. absolutely.

Before the concussion protocols, did you ever lie and play pretty much knowing your brain was likely busy doing the Humpty Dance?

Looks like she might be changing her name to Gracie Silver! I mean, if she meets a nice Jewish boy in college and if they fall in love and eventually get married and if she's into changing her name, which is totally up to her, I mean, I understand her wanting to keep her own identity if that's her thing, but it's

That was her ode to the Russian hockey team.

You're right. Fixed.

I keep reading it as "management"

Here's hoping the Japanese skater has a stellar free skate because I'd love to see 3 10's to Yuna.