I’ll warn you right now, brevity is not my strong suit and this comment runs long. So...
I’ll warn you right now, brevity is not my strong suit and this comment runs long. So...
Not OP, but I’m ok with new playable characters in fighting games as DLC. Now, when a company releases a game and then there are 3 or 4 characters that are available on day 1, that’s bullshit, obviously this is already on the disc. But a few months later, or steadily over the life of the game? That I’m mostly good…
I mean, it’s been 7 straight years now. How many more years does LeBron have to roll over the East before it seems like nobody else there has a chance either? He’s played in a whopping THREE games where his team faced elimination throughout the Eastern Conference playoffs over those seven years, and none since 2013.…
Oh please. I suppose when the only thing that stopped the Bulls from winning likely a decade’s worth of titles was Jordan retiring, twice, things felt really competitive, and when the Lakers threepeated or the Heat won two straight there was this level of whiny hand-wringing. And I guess it’s great for basketball…
That’s true, though it also seems fair to point out that neither the Warriors nor the Cavaliers really “tanked” in the sense that it was their plan to suck for years and end up with great players. They were just horribly run organizations for years - if not decades - on end who finally stumbled into competent…
Fair, though is it really that much better to have a constant “Hey, maybe this time it’ll be different” only to find out, “Nope, it’s not” for literally over a decade? Those Celtics won 11 of 13 titles, including 8 straight, and made the Finals one of those other two years. We talk about LeBron dominating the East…
Is EA ever going to do anything with the Burnout series they’ve just left to die? This will be the tenth multiplatform Need for Speed game (ninth if you don’t want to count NFS: Nitro) released since Burnout Paradise came out and all we’ve gotten was one downloadable spin-off. I can’t be the only person who…
Echoing everyone else here, Binding of Isaac is fantastic. It’s on a very, very small list of games I have on multiple platforms, as it’s probably the game I’ve spent the most time playing on PS4 and also gets more time on my 3DS than Pokemon Sun or Smash Bros. I simply can’t get enough of discovering new items and…
I’m not OP, but I think they meant hoping in some year FIFA adds actual women’s leagues, like the NWSL, in career mode and teams to play with. I’d definitely appreciate it, and it would probably allow for more national teams too. That’s how I took it, at least.
I think a lot of the problems people have with said criticism come because I don’t think think I’ve seen a single criticism of Kaepernick’s actions that then also addresses why he sat. The why is very important here, and if someone’s going to criticize him sitting because of that issue, I’d like to hear at least an…
Not OP, but I think they’re related. I think he didn’t get a shot because he was washed up, but had the domestic violence not occurred, he probably still gets signed somewhere, at least as a backup or on a practice squad. I think the PR nightmare he would’ve presented, when combined with his diminishing skills, was…
Not OP and jumping in late here...but sadly, I do think someone very prominent is going to have to die for a serious change to happen quickly. It’s happening slowly with youth participation but that’ll change over generations/decades, not years.
The problem there is that the infighting would reach legendary proportions in parts of the world over which sites get to make the rotation. Paris and Rome and Munich aren’t going to accept London becoming a permanent host easily, same with Tokyo and Pyongchang for Beijing. One ring is for “The Americas”, which means…
Before Bayless was on ESPN, he worked for (among others) the San Jose Mercury News, and even as a young kid, I remember reading his stuff and thinking that he was an idiot.
It’s telling that Skip is such a blowhard I actually clicked the link to check if that was an actual tweet of his or not...
Oh, the one for Final Fantasy XV is just Florence. Arcade Fire and The Decemberists are on a Hunger Games soundtrack that was just a comparison point.
It’s appropriate that the first two words of his quote are, “They’re high.”
I mean, have you watched the steeplechase? Or, to a lesser extent, the hurdles races? Also, racewalking exists.
I’d say two other factors are 1) casual fans aren’t gonna go see two non-US teams unless they have a tie to one of those countries, with the exception of HUGE names like Argentina and Brazil, and 2) the US isn’t even playing our “normal” opponents, so there were probably assumptions that this was some kind of…