Sir Trey

I can't speak for any other WOC, but for Black women, the issue is complicated and cannot be compared to white men feeling threatened by Black men. We are told from cradle to grave by every segment of society how low on the totem pole we are - that 's how white supremacy works. POC internalize these things, hence

You're absolutely right in pointing out that the politics of interracial dating within POC communities are something else entirely to which the mainstream hierarchies don't necessarily apply.

When the five people who watched that show get here, I'll direct them to this post...

Did you write that black women were considered "pariahs" if they dated outside of their race? If so, I was gonna say, I'm not sure I agree with that. I feel like within the black community, there are mixed opinions about us dating outside of our race. Black men either get upset or they don't care. Same thing with

All I know is that last night I used the word "Twizzles" and I have begun to question many, many things about myself.

Of course it's rigged. Any "sport" that is decided by the whims of another person to determine the score is rigged (because of the judge's biases and prejudices).

There's an easy, objective way to determine who is the best at ice dancing: whichever pair lasts the longest before I say, "Eh, fuck this" and change the channel is the best.

I'm so tired of these racist skating judges, always rewarding the White guy instead of defending Virtue.

Okay, so here's my take on this, having watched the competition with my wife yesterday, not only once in the morning, but again in the evening.

I've always wondered why Zelda and Link never got married. Now I know.

Kind of like how my children deal with me when they want something.

Before he raced, I was telling my gf how much of a douche Bode Miller really was, and how he had left his pregnant gf to date a pro beach volleyball player who was now his wife, etc. Cut to the end of the race and we're screaming at the TV to pan away from the poor guy as they're peppering him with questions about his

I don't know why Burke allowed other comments to show.

After the break, more Stars on Ice: Salute to Designing Women!

Why is anyone surprised to see Gannon looking dark and serious with Link and Zelda nearby?

"Hey, Sochi is close to Georgia and it's almost April!!!!" I can't wait to meet Hootie Johnson!

Weir looks blazed as fuck.

I'm glad Tara was able to take advantage of the going out of business sale at the furniture upholsterer.