Sir Trey

As far as I know they can make it, they just can't sell it. If they tried making money off of the film they'd probably need permission from Rockstar. I'm not 100% on this but that's what I think I've come across when this has become an issue before. Now, even if they're not making money on it I think Rockstar

Sorry, one add-on to the last comment. Their own description has a couple of things I personally find problematic, and that could've also factored both in Valve's decision and in many people's discomfort. They mention "don't take it seriously, it's just a game :)", which is an attitude that, no matter what the

It should be, but, to make a real-life comparison, someone in the military can shoot someone in war or a civilian can shoot their neighbor. Both cases count as killing but context makes one, while still quite possibly disturbing and difficult and with potentially fluid justification, at least more "acceptable" due to

True, but all of those have been ported to multiple other consoles, including some portable ones and mobile, so they're playable elsewhere. IX and XII are still the only two tied to their original consoles, and therefore increasingly difficult to play. IV isn't particularly easy to get a hold of either unless you

Oh trust me, there are plenty of people who willfully ignore data in sports too. They'll complain about the "stat nerds" and "computers" taking over the sport instead of people who "use the eye test" and "just feel the game".

Eh, I generally feel like the whole "the hype ruined the movie/game/show" perspective is all just based on how much you let it affect you, there seems to be little reason to me for chatter to change the quality of something.

Warriors fan here and aside from San Antonio, by default, Memphis is the only team that really scares me right now in the West. They're ferocious defensively and if they can keep up offensively that's a brutal matchup, even beyond a healthy OKC, the Clippers, Blazers, Rockets or Mavs.

As a Warriors fan, I'd still say Memphis is slightly more surprising, and probably Toronto too. Golden State is certainly overachieving but the fanbase seemed to be fairly optimistic that if Kerr improved the offense, which was the plan, they'd certainly stand a very good shot at a Top 4 seed in the West and possibly

You pulled out 15+ year old examples, norms typically change when you jump decades and I would hope just because something was a standard 20 years ago it doesn't have to remain so now. Every sequel console (PS2, early PS3s, 360, Wii and Wii U) since the turn of the century aside from the Gamecube - which was

In slight defense, we're talking about broadcast television, where still very frequently we see someone playing a videogame and they're flailing their arms around and slamming on every button like they're having some kind of exorcism. Shows also seem to think every game still has levels to beat like an old arcade

Am I the only one that thinks it's a little ass backwards that for - as far as I know, correct me if I'm wrong - every other game on the system people use its current controls but for this there's this scramble to a 13 year old controller? Isn't part of switching to a new game/console adapting to its changes?

On the PS4, if you buy the PlayStation Camera, can you capture data from the game and from your video/voice at the same time? Would be great for Let's Plays and the like. Also fun for online multiplayer.

1) Reporting on something isn't the same thing as actively encouraging it, this is the same perspective that's convinced making a movie or a game on a subject makes people want to run out and do it. 2) I'd say the closing statement about making things "worse for everyone" doesn't seem like much of an encouragement.

Ok, so...the game's been out for a couple of months now, and maybe I can get some more insight here.

In all seriousness, I haven't bought a new sports game aside from FIFA (which I'm pretty sure still doesn't let you do that) in ages; which ones allow mid-game saves now? I think Tiger Woods 11 let you get away with that in between holes but FIFA just leaves you in the dust and it's a consistent complaint. I always

I was commenting to a friend about Washington that they sorta have to stick with RGIII because the only thing worse than watching him fail in your jersey is watching him succeed in someone else's unless Colt is the answer. Hell, St. Louis needs a QB, has good pieces (and a decent line) and it would be fitting

Not quite that big of a price gap but I got Resident Evil 4 for $10 before it even came out due to a similar screw up...Best Buy had an ad with a bunch of $9.99 Gamecube games and had meant to put Resident Evil 1 on there but accidentally used the RE4 cover. 4 wasn't even out until later that week. Marched over

It seems like that's the PS4 bundle available everywhere, I'm pretty sure I saw that on Walmart, Target and probably Best Buy's sales...not that it's not a good deal but it's not exclusive to Gamestop. Also I could've sworn one of those other places included a second controller but they might've just pictured the

They turn water into blood.

Fair enough, though I think you might be underestimating the size of said market. I'd bet that most early adopters had the preceding system, though I obviously don't have raw numbers. If the console was $100-150 more, I don't think 1/4 - 1/3 of the people who bought a PS4/X1 buying a backwards compatible one is too